Cru Divided Over Emphasis on Race
Within the parachurch ministry, critics allege its recent approach to diversity has relied on critical race theory and resulted in “mission drift.”
Cru se divide por temas raciales
Dentro de la organización misionera, críticos afirman que su enfoque acerca de la diversidad ha dependido de la teoría crítica de la raza y ha dado como resultado “una desviación de la misión”.
Forgive Us Our Sins (And Theirs, Too)
How an ancient prophet’s prayer answers our modern outrage.
How Black and White Christians Do Discipleship Differently
Survey: African Americans value spiritual formation in community, while whites prefer the opposite.
Q+A with Christena Cleveland: ‘I Felt for the First Time—I’m Not Alone’
What everyone needs to know about supporting women of color at conferences and in churches.
7 Tips for Seeking Peace with African Americans
Race relations are complicated and understanding goes a long way
A Unified Church Is Gospel Witness
In a society rife with racial conflict, US evangelicals are in a unique position to build cross-cultural bridges.
Where John Piper and Other Evangelicals Stand on Black Lives Matter
Stats on the racial reconciliation debate spanning from InterVarsity’s Urbana conference to Russell Moore’s NYT op-ed.
Por qué el color de piel de Jesús sí importa
Que Él era una minoría étnica forma la manera en que ministramos hoy.
Why Jesus’ Skin Color Matters
That he was an ethnic minority shapes how we minister today.