C.S. Lewis nos advirtió sobre los ‘encuentros cercanos’ del tipo evangélico
Si los ovnis son reales, hay que actuar con humildad antes de compartir el Evangelio.
Mere Misattribution? Why We Misquote C.S. Lewis
As the famous British author once said, crediting people with things they never said says something about us.
Houston Ballet Debuts New Work Based on … C.S. Lewis
One of the largest ballet companies in the US has commissioned a piece about “The Four Loves.”
The Sentence from C.S. Lewis That Could Change Your Life
Aslan is fictional, but the real Lion of Judah reminds us that we’re forgiven.
An Unlikely Convert Is Surprised by Oxford
How God drew Carolyn Weber to himself.
La gran luz del futuro
Isaías profetiza la espera del Adviento.
C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Close Encounters of the Evangelical Kind
If UFOs are real, exercise some humility before sharing the gospel.
Christian Media Company Apologizes for Stolen Election Lie
And other news briefs from evangelicals around the world.
La fantasía fatal
La traición de Judas revela el corazón de una esperanza mal orientada.
Bonus Episode: Should You Watch ‘The Chosen’?
Peter Wehner returns to discuss depictions of Jesus and political division.