Engaging the Marketplace
Christians view secular careers as a means of influence
SIDEBAR: Mother Angelica: Nun Better
Mother Angelica is an improbable television superstar in a male-dominated industry and male-dominated church.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from October 02, 1995
BOOKS: My Midrash or Yours?
Twenty-eight women writers-novelists, poets, essayists, and scholars-respond imaginatively to the Hebrew Bible.
BOOKS: A Jesus for Everyone, a Christ for None
Kung’s one, true (but less than Christian) religion.
ARTICLE: The Forgotten Christians of the Middle East
Leaders from Egypt, Lebanon, and Palestine speak about the church’s mission in a troubled region.
ARTICLE: Can We Talk?
The power of words can edify or mortify. A word aptly spoken gives life.
Amazon Grace
How jungle missionaries stay one step ahead of terrorists, drug traffickers, oil men, and rock ‘n’ roll.
ARTICLE: Future Tense
How do we live under the shadow of ‘the end’?
EDITORIAL: The Road to Orthodoxy
The post-Armstrong Worldwide Church of God’s commendable journey of faith.
CONVERSATIONS: W Buckley: Listening to Mr. Right
William Buckley’s advice for Christian activists.