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Carême : Les chrétiens britanniques invités à changer de banque
Pour les défenseurs du climat, la finance soulève des questions de justice. Changer de compte en banque peut avoir un impact significatif.
Las iglesias hispanas en Estados Unidos harían más si tuvieran más recursos
Sus pastores son en su mayoría evangélicos, a veces bivocacionales, y están ansiosos por contar con más trabajadores y recursos para servir mejor a sus comunidades.
Who Restricts Religion More, Politicians or the People? Pew Crunched the Global Data.
Annual report grades 198 nations and territories, with 9 in 10 harassing believing communities. China and Nigeria score the worst.
Died: Michael Knott, Christian Alternative Musician Who Helped Launch Tooth & Nail
Knott wrote rock operas, sang with honesty and conviction, called out hypocrites, and bucked the norms of the Christian music industry.
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
American Bible Society Will Close Its $60 Million Museum
The Bible museum on Independence Mall in Philadelphia was open less than three years and had attracted fewer visitors than projected.
UK Christians Asked to Give Up Their Banks for Lent
Climate activists say finance is a justice issue and moving accounts can have a significant impact.
New Zealand Christian Bookshop Closures a Sign of the Times
Nearly half of Manna Christian bookstores are shutting down, leaving some without a Christian bookstore in their town and highlighting concerns of misinformation.
Indian State Moves to Criminalize Praying for the Sick
A proposed ban on “magical healing” is the latest government initiative targeting Christian practice and evangelism in Assam.
Er wordt weer gebeden in de eeuwenoude rotskerken van Petra
Ad Deir, ‘het klooster’, is het grootste monument van Petra. Oorspronkelijk waarschijnlijk een tempel voor een Nabatese koning; wanneer het een kerk is geworden, is niet bekend.
11 місіонерів YWAM загинули, 8 були травмовані в ДТП в Танзанії
Дарлін Каннінгем: «Ми не бачили трагедії такого масштабу за всю [нашу] історію… смерть [лідерів] створює в організації величезний вакуум».
11 миссионеров YWAM погибли, 8 были травмированы в ДТП в Танзании
Дарлин Каннингем: «Мы не видели трагедии такого масштаба за всю [нашу] историю… смерть [лидеров] создает в организации огромный вакуум».
Fear, Grief, then Supernatural Peace: Myanmar Christians Process Draft
While many young people feel helpless over the news of the conscription law, believers see an opening for ministry.
Attaque de Clapham : l’aide des églises britanniques aux migrants musulmans sur la sellette
Selon un pasteur évangélique, les témoignages de responsables religieux n’ont jamais été censés être le facteur décisif dans l’évaluation des demandes d’asile.
Confusion, changements de cap, licenciements : que se passe-t-il à l’American Bible Society ?
L’organisation historique et généreusement dotée a connu deux années de turbulences : cinq directeurs généraux, des problèmes d’argent et un ralentissement de son action internationale. Elle est à la recherche d’un nouveau départ.
SBC Executive Committee Says No Charges Following Federal Investigation
Without offering details on the nature of the Justice Department inquiry, the denomination’s administrative entity says it’s “grateful” that “no further action” will be taken around its response to abuse.
Liberty University Fined $14M Over Campus Safety
Focused on the evangelical school’s handling of sexual violence, the federal penalty is by far the largest in the Department of Education’s history.
Global Methodists Run Toward Renewal
On the other side of disaffiliation, traditionalist congregations pursue prayer, revival, and revitalization.
Evangelical Trump Supporters and Critics on Repeat for 2024
With Nikki Haley out after Super Tuesday, “Never Trumpers” are once again disappointed with the choices for president.
Constitutionnalisation de l’avortement : les évangéliques français appellent à une culture de la vie.
Malgré la déception suscitée par le vote de leurs législateurs, les églises ont encore devant elle des occasions d’aimer et de servir.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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