On January 23, 1956, the Auca Indians of Ecuador killed five visiting missionaries. The impact of the deaths of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian had a profound effect on American missions in the second half of the 20th century. Here’s how CT has followed-up on the story over the years.
In CT’s seventh issue ever, Elisabeth Elliot writes about what happened after the Auca ambush in Ecuador.
CT news editor John Maust filed this after visiting the jungle clearing where Wycliffe Bible Translators began and maintains its Auca outreach.
How Christianity has transformed the people of the Peruvian Amazon.
The latest chapter in a story that began 50 years ago on a remote sandbar in the jungles of Ecuador.
American evangelicals have often celebrated inspirational stories of missionary sacrifice, while mission critics tend to revert to dark stories of colonialism and cultural imposition. Both narratives are incomplete and sometimes misleading.