Table Of Contents
August 2005 2005
Volume 49, Number 8
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Cover Stories

How Discipline Died
The church should stop taking its cues from the state.
Shaping Holy Disciples
Mark Dever says church discipline is not about punishment or self-help.
Spheres of Accountability
The dynamics of discipline in the megachurch.
Keeping the Lawyers at Bay
How to correct members while staying out of court.
Healing the Body of Christ
Church discipline is as much about God as it is about erring believers.
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More from this Issue

Living Bible Creator Dies
But Ken Taylor's legacy is even larger.
Promotions, deaths, and other items from the religion world.
70 Truckloads of Treasures
Temple Mount dig uncovers new finds.
Democrats Seek Extreme Makeover
Pro-lifers want to slash nation's abortion rate.
Christian Dalits Fight Bias
Seek benefits withheld by government.
Quotation Marks
Recent comments on SBC's Disney boycott, Christian fiction, environmentalists, and shy evangelism.
No Overt Discrimination'
Air Force Academy cleared, but some faulted for insensitivity.
Design Film Sparks Angst
Under fire, Smithsonian disavows presentation on Intelligent Design.
Go Figure
Recent stats on corporate non-giving to faith groups, donations to the Baptist World Alliance, and a drop in church programs.
<em>Christianity Today</em> News Briefs
Saudi Arabia releases arrested Christians, Canadian college disallows criticism of homosexuality.
Baylor Showdown
Provost fired. Faculty question school's direction.
Broken Tablets
The Court splits the baby and denies the rule of law. Feel united yet?
Kenneth N. Taylor, 1917-2005
Living Bible author had passion to make God's Word accessible by all.
Where Are the Men?
Overseas humanitarian groups target women, and for good reason. But it isn't enough.
It's All About Jesus
A convert to Orthodoxy reconsiders evangelicalism.
Dying Smart
Why your living will may not be good enough.
Raising the Compassion Bar
How 575 suburban teens underwrote a medical clinic, schoolhouse, and a year's supply of food for a village in Zambia—with money to spare.
Wisdom That Sticks
Quotations to stir the heart and mind.
Environmental Wager
Why evangelicals are—but shouldn't be—cool toward global warming.
Quick reviews of The Wet Engine, Knitting, Her Heart Can See, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.