Table Of Contents
April 6 1998, 1998
Volume 42, Number 4
April 6
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Knowing Packer
The lonely journey of a passionate Puritan.
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The Lesson of Karla Faye Tucker
Evangelical instincts against her execution were right, but not because she was a Christian.
Promise Keepers Staff Lose Jobs
Promise Keepers Staff Lose Jobs
Series Examines Christian Origins
Series Examines Christian Origins
Cruz Launches Anti-Gang Campaign
Cruz Launches Anti-Gang Campaign
Maine Repeals Homosexual Rights Law
Maine Repeals Homosexual Rights Law
Missouri: The Cornfield Revival
For two years, thousands have been jumping for joy.
Jordan: Jordan Emerges As New Hub for Training Pastors
Evangelical school teaches Mideast students.
Religion Leaders Cautious After Talks
Religion Leaders Cautious After Talks
Leaders Aim to Heal Ancient Schism
Leaders Aim to Heal Ancient Schism
'Christian Megaparty' Draws 120,000
Christian Megaparty' Draws 120,000
Temple Mount on Shaky Ground?
Temple Mount on Shaky Ground?
Were You There?
Art Gallery
Jesus v. Sanhedrin
Why Jesus "lost" his trial.
Good News for Women?
Inspired by Promise Keepers, upbeat events for women are flourishing while avoiding divisive issues.
Grave Matters
Take away the Resurrection and the center of Christianity collapses.
So I'm Sorry Already
What do you say after you say "I'm sorry"?
Naked Preachers Are Distracting
Authenticity is more than a matter of being who I am; it is a matter of being who God calls me to be.
Hollywood’s Renegade Apostle
Unless films like The Apostle succeed, other worthy motion pictures stand little chance of being produced.
A Literary God
The novelist as lapsed Calvinist.
Real Sex
Making the case for fidelity.
A Cure for Spiritual Deafness
Relevance, we have surely mastered. What would happen if we sought a little irrelevance?