Table Of Contents
October 4 1985, 1985
Volume 29, Number 14
October 4
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Alcoholism Is Not a Disease
Forgive God?
The Rationalization of Racism
South African unrest has its roots in faulty theology.
The Bible: The Year in Review
Christianity Today reports on the recent burst of activity surrounding Scripture.
The Homeless Poor
What is the church doing for America's poor?
TV: Where the Girls Are Good Looking and the Good Guys Win
But whose world view is this?
A Tale of Two Sons
The wastrel and the "Presbyterian": A parable revised.
Falwell Raises a Stir by Opposing Sanctions against South Africa
Christian leaders in the United States criticize the Moral Majority leader's approach to dealing with apartheid.
What Is the Solution to South Africa’s Racial Problems?
Leon Sullivan, creator of an effective fair-employment code, sees hope for a settlement.
Ethiopia Continues to Impose Restrictions on the Church
However, congregations are growing in the famine-stricken African nation.
The Spiritual Morning Sickness of a Writer
The Creator of Zorba the Greek attracts Christians by the intensity of his struggle.