Table Of Contents
May 17 1985, 1985
Volume 29, Number 8
May 17
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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A Call to Rescue the Yuppies
The church must awaken to the cold-hearted values of today's young urban professiona ls.
Faith Is Not an Electric Blanket
Author Flannery O'Conner was anything but glib about orthodox Christianity.
“Be a Skeptic”
Dying for a Drink
Dispelling the myths about overcoming alcoholism.
The Age to Come
Heaven can't be cut out of the garment of faith.
Part I: Well-Known Evangelical Author Thomas Howard Converts to Catholicism
Friends and family say the result of his 20-year spiritual pilgrimage comes as no surprise.
Part II: Why Did Thomas Howard Become a Roman Catholic?
The convert chronicles his pilgrimage to Rome.
Part III: Is Evangelical Faith Enough?
Church historian John D. Woodbridge evaluates Thomas Howard’s decision to become a Catholic.
Tithes and Temptations
Evangelism Takes Time
The gospel has its own urgent edge, and does its own convicting.
Have Your Neighbors Read This Book?
Making the evangelistic Bible study work for garage mechanics and research scientists.