Christianity is a life of triumph because it is life in the risen Christ. And it is precious to know that each born-again person is marked by God himself for a glorious destiny—that is, “to be conformed to the image of his Son”; to be a living stone in that magnificent structure of pure gold which shall come forth as a “bride adorned for her husband”; and “that in the ages to come he will show us forth as tokens of his grace.”
Can we fully appreciate all that will be included in that day when we are shown forth before the heavenly host? May the blessed Holy Spirit take these truths and seal them to my own heart—and to yours—as our special blessing for this, another Mother’s Day.
The Saviour Without Room
It is still true that “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34). It is two thousand years since God’s Son was on earth, proclaiming to all a way out of every difficulty. At his birth angels announced: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace.” But men of earth said: “No room for him in the inn.” Their attitude did not change with time, for we read in John 1:11. “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” What a sad statement, yet how true today.
“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.” These words, spoken nearly two thousand years ago by the writer of Romans (10:1), today might well be upon the lips and planted deeply in the heart of every Christian.
When we sense the widespread confusion on the national and international scene, as well as in the minds of individuals, it behooves Christians to be much in prayer for the salvation of those who do not know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Mothers In The Home
Christian mothers do not want Mother’s Day to be one of self-congratulation. It is a day for heart searching and for a new awareness of the vital role God has given us in the home, in the lives of our children, and in the life of the nation as a whole.
The resources of the Christian mother are limited solely by the love and grace of God. It is to him that she turns in prayer, not only for the strength needed for each day but also for blessings for her children. Through prayer there comes wisdom, understanding and grace. As our children sense our prayer lives they too learn the vital place of communion with our Heavenly Father.
The Bible is also our unswerving guide. How often in the silent watches of the night the precious promises of the Word become our stay and comfort! At early morn and at the close of day our children learn that man does not live by bread alone. When God and his Word are given their rightful place in the home it is then that we who are mothers have in some measure discharged our responsibility to those God has given us. Then, and only then, can we look at our children and at the future with confidence.
Morrow Coffee Graham (Mrs. William F. Graham), is the mother of evangelist Billy Graham. Her solicited Mother’s Day meditation comes from a heart yearning to reach those who do not know Christ. She resides in Charlotte, N. C.