
Another Kanakuk Abuse Survivor Sues Camp for Fraud

Twenty years after a trusted counselor used faith to groom him for abuse, a Colorado man says he is trying to reclaim part of his life and take a stand for fellow victims.

Christianity Today July 1, 2024
Courtesy of Andrew Summersett

Andrew Summersett felt his world shatter twice.

The first time was in 2009, when the Christian camp counselor he idolized was convicted of child abuse. It was then that Summersett saw though years of manipulation, trauma, and teenage confusion and realized he also was a victim.

The second time came in 2021, when he read reports that leaders at Kanakuk Kamps had known about Pete Newman’s predatory behavior against boys like him, and they covered it up.

After years under the weight of shame and secrecy, Summersett, 37, came forward last week in a lawsuit filed against Kanakuk, a number of its current and former leaders, and its insurer, alleging they fraudulently concealed Newman’s abuse from him.

He said the legal action was his way to regain control over part of his life “because I didn’t control what happened to me as a kid.”

Summersett says Newman—who is currently serving a double life sentence for child enticement and sodomy—abused him at his family’s home in Texas during a camp recruitment trip and again at Kanakuk’s K-Kamp in Branson, Missouri. He was 14 and 15 years old.

The same year that the former camper says his abuse began, Newman was warned by Kanakuk leadership “to stop sleeping alone with children, among other ‘healthy boundaries,’” the suit claims, citing a years-long pattern of Newman being promoted despite concerns about his nudity and other boundary-crossing behavior with children.

When Newman was arrested, Summersett turned to two camp directors, the daughter and then–son-in-law of Kanakuk CEO Joe White, to ask if they had known about Newman’s behavior and to share what happened to him.

The filing states that they told Summersett they “didn’t know” and to “back off” and alleges that their false representations and omissions factored into Summersett’s decision not to pursue a legal claim at the time.

Kanakuk did not respond to CT’s request for comment but has previously declined to discuss pending litigation. The camp portrays Newman as a “rogue employee” and “master of deception,” saying leaders had no knowledge of his abuse prior to his 2009 confession and arrest.

Last year, Kanakuk also sued its insurer—admitting that it had withheld information about Newman’s previous abuse from victims and their families due to advice from their adjuster. Court documents include a 2010 letter from ACE American Insurance Company recommending that Kanakuk not let families know about Newman’s misconduct and the camp’s response, since “such disclosures threaten to expose Kanakuk to greater liability and may interfere with ACE’s contractual right to defend claims and to have Kanakuk’s cooperation in that defense.”

Summersett is the second of Newman’s victims to sue the Missouri-based Christian camp for fraud, following Logan Yandell in 2022. Yandell’s family said the camp similarly claimed that it had no knowledge of the former counselor’s misconduct when they entered a settlement over his abuse in 2010. His case is awaiting trial.

Yandell called it “both empowering and heartbreaking” to see another survivor come forward with a lawsuit, a sign of the scope and continued impact of Newman’s abuse through Kanakuk.

“Legal actions like Andrew’s and mine aim to expose the truth and hold those responsible accountable,” he said in a statement to CT. “This fight is not just for our individual justice but for systemic change that prioritizes the protection of children over the shielding of institutions.”

Their cases also raise the profile of the risk of grooming and abuse toward male victims. Men may not be subject to the same formal boundaries or informal expectations for their interactions with boys as they would with the opposite sex.

“It is an area that we have to be so much more cognizant of and so much more vigilant in and around, because there are evil people. There are predators, there are people like Pete and people like Kanakuk who harbored Pete,” Summersett said in an interview with CT. “I think it’s our absolute charge and duty to protect our kids because they don’t deserve this, and we can prevent it.”

Summersett grew up in Arkansas and Texas, where he loved to play outside “with no shoes on, running around the neighborhood.” He looked forward to camp at Kanakuk every summer, starting at age 7. His favorite part was the people. He loved reuniting with fellow campers and with staff members like Newman who seemed “larger than life” with their big personalities and spiritual insights.

“I grew up in a Christian household—faith was always part of our family, and obviously, this significantly rocked the entire foundation of everything I believed,” said Summersett, now married and raising a family of his own in Colorado. “Faith and God and the Bible were what Pete used to groom me.”

A popular and charismatic counselor, Newman initiated conversations with boys about biblical purity. He had “hot tub Bible studies” where they’d discuss sexuality and masturbation.

“It’s totally grooming behavior,” said Andi Thacker, a counseling ministries professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and a licensed professional counselor who treats victims of child sexual abuse.

Thacker described how abusers like Newman “stairstep” their way to abuse by justifying inappropriate behavior as playful or “just what guys do.” Underage victims in evangelical settings, then, don’t know what to make of their young bodies’ responses and feel the additional guilt of sexual behavior with someone of the same sex.

Many victims of child sexual abuse wait decades to report their abuse, if at all, and men can be particularly reticent. They may blame themselves or may be afraid of how people would respond, said Thacker.

Summersett said he hadn’t told his family until last year. But he’s been encouraged by the outpouring of support since his lawsuit made news last week. Putting his name and face out there as a victim, he said, is worth it if it makes fellow survivors feel less alone.

“One of the most impactful things has been connecting with other survivors who have eerily similar stories,” said Summersett, who began to network through the site Facts About Kanakuk, which shares resources for survivors. “There’s been a ton of healing and sharing and kind of this brotherhood forming.”

Dozens of men have come forward in civil complaints and John Doe suits against Newman. Reports estimate that his victims could be in the hundreds.

Yandell sees a similar sense of hopefulness and bravery from fellow survivors: “Each voice that speaks out strengthens our collective fight for justice and healing. It is through our shared experiences and united efforts that we can demand accountability and ensure that such abuses are never repeated.”

Kanakuk is a prominent and long-running camp program, hosting 450,000 campers over nearly a century of ministry. A 2021 Dispatch investigation by Nancy French examined how the camp culture at Kanakuk “enabled horrific abuse.” She noted that “nobody resigned as a result of the failure to stop a decade of abuse. There was no disciplinary action against any of Newman’s supervisors, and Joe White is still the head of the camp today.”

Across many cases involving victims of child sexual abuse, Summersett’s attorney Guy D’Andrea has seen the lasting damage done by institutional cover-up on top of the trauma of the abuse itself.

“If you want your faith to grow and prosper, you can’t have the most vulnerable … feel their faith has been shattered by the leadership of an organization or entity,” said D’Andrea, with the firm Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan. “We’re not holding the organization to an impossible standard. We’re asking them to do the right thing, which is what our faith asks us to do.”


New & Noteworthy Books

Chosen by Matt Reynolds, CT senior books editor.

Illustration by Tara Anand

Making Good Return: Biblical Wisdom on Honoring Aging Parents

Kathleen B. Nielson (P&R Publishing)

At least in wealthier nations, we are living in an era of longer lifespans and lower birthrates. On a macro level, this translates into a larger population of older people needing care but fewer available caregivers. Closer to home, it means tough dilemmas for the adult children of aging parents, especially when they’re raising non-adult children of their own. In her book Making Good Return, author and speaker Kathleen B. Nielson wrings valuable insights from the pages of Scripture. As she writes, the biblical story of redemption “is not just the context of a Christian’s thinking about care for the aging; it is at the very heart of the matter.”

The Storied Life: Christian Writing as Art and Worship

Jared C. Wilson (Zondervan Academic)

It’s possible, says pastor and author Jared C. Wilson, to write without being an honest-to-goodness writer—the kind who can’t help using words to make sense of the world, with or without the perks of money or acclaim. In The Storied Life, Wilson appeals to those who fit that description (or think they might), extolling the high calling of embodying God’s image with pens and keyboards. “Creative writing,” he writes, “is in fact a reflection of the creative meaning of the universe, a direct derivation from the Creator himself. He has made everything with words and has given even of himself as the Word. This isn’t some piddling around kind of stuff.”

End the Stalemate: Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations

Sean McDowell and Tim Muehlhoff (Tyndale Elevate)

It’s a common complaint in the “cancel culture” era that we’re too eager to mock, harass, ostracize, and even formally punish our cultural and ideological foes. But the authors of End the Stalemate see signs of growing hunger for a warmer, more generous approach to disagreement. Tim Muehlhoff (a communication expert) and Sean McDowell (an apologist) are professors at Biola University, both of whom practice regular public dialogue with believers and nonbelievers alike. Throughout their book, they offer “[exposure] not only to communication insights that explore how we can better approach differences, but also to how these insights are powerfully undergirded by biblical truth.”

What Went Wrong?: Russia’s Lost Opportunity and the Path to Ukraine

Philip Yancey and John A. Bernbaum (Cascade Books)

Nowadays, it would strain credulity to imagine Russian government elites consulting with a group of American evangelicals, except as a cynical maneuver to bolster Russia’s image as a rebuke to Western decadence. Yet something like this actually happened in the early 1990s, as Soviet communism imploded. Traveling with the evangelical delegation were author Philip Yancey and John A. Bernbaum, the founder of Russia’s first Christian liberal arts university. In What Went Wrong? they give firsthand accounts of their experience (several chapters come from an earlier volume, Yancey’s Praying with the KGB) while reflecting on Russia’s turn toward authoritarianism and aggression.

Readers Divided over ‘Division of Labor’

Responses to articles about complementarianism and egalitarianism in our April issue.

Photography by Abigail Erickson for Christianity Today

Complementarians and egalitarians are not as divided as some think,” wrote Gordon P. Hugenberger for our April collection of cover articles. For some, his exegesis of key passages about women’s roles in churches and marriages in 1 Timothy and elsewhere was much appreciated. “This article was THE article I have been waiting for someone to write for what feels like ages,” wrote one Instagram user. And a pastor with “egalitarian sympathies” serving in a complementarian denomination appreciated Hugenberger’s tone.

But the division identified was evident in other messages. Responding to a reflection by Danielle Treweek—a complementarian wondering about the term’s increasing “cancellation, co-option, and cannibalization”—email writers and social media commenters called her complementarianism “distressingly naive” and a form of “patriarchal ideology.” Kelly Pelton in Kerrville, Texas, wrote, “Devaluing of women within the church tragically misrepresents the God who is impartial and who elevates the weak and marginalized.”

In response to Gaby Viesca’s article on churches moving to egalitarian leadership structures, Facebook commenters said she was “rejecting the biblical standard” of male leadership. “The author says, ‘That a woman preaches at all is something to celebrate, no question about that,’” wrote one commenter. “Yes, there are questions about that.”

Complementarians and egalitarians may agree, as Hugenberger put it, on the “inherent worth and giftedness of women.” But disagreements over whether women are permitted to preach and teach are still provoking strong feelings.

Kate Lucky senior editor of engagement and culture

Complementarian at Home, Egalitarian at Church? Paul Would Approve.

How one labels each side of a debate frequently determines the outcome. Of course, men and women complement each other in numerous ways. But what is concealed by the label complementary—when used as a biblical concept and not inherent in the word—is the substantive assertion that, in certain biblical respects, females are inferior and subservient to males. Let’s stop the misdirection and talk honestly about what we’re talking about—biblical equality versus biblical subservience. I respect both positions.

Roland Wrinkle Newhall, CA

I’m a complementarian in that I believe God’s ideal for marriage is for the man to be in attentive submission to Christ and in loving authority (and responsibility) over his family. At the same time, I have 52 years experience reading and exegeting the Greek New Testament, so I appreciated the refreshing accuracy of Hugenberger’s exegesis, which is justified by linguistics and context. I would translate [1 Timothy 2:12] as “I do not permit a married woman to instruct or dominate [her] husband, but to be quiet-spoken.” This is still a complementarian statement, but it’s limited to marriage.

Richard Brown Durham, NC

Those Whom God Evolves

I was dismayed to see the “Small Stat” stating, “Most people believe that evolution provides an adequate account of human origins.” Whether or not most people do, certainly Christians should not. Jesus said, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matt. 19:4, ESV). This is from Genesis 1:27, stating that God created man “in his own image,” which Jesus apparently took quite literally. If he did, so should we.

Thomas F. Harkins Jr. Fort Worth, TX

Heaven Isn’t Our Eternal Escape from Work

My happiest job was volunteer electronics tech on the Mercy Ship Anastasis. But nothing comes near my plans of praising the Almighty for all eternity.

Richard Brewster Cutchogue, NY

What Kind of Man Is This?

Does Isaiah 53:2 not speak prophetically into [Jesus’] appearance? “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” A crucifix is one thing; a handsome, at times eroticized white male quite another.

Wout Brouwer Fort Langley, British Columbia

Fractured Are the Peacemakers

Learning the history of Israel/Palestine and listening to stories of the Palestinian Christian community is viewed by some as a betrayal of our Jewish brothers and sisters; you make clear it is not. I am so glad that the leading evangelical publication in the US is willing to give voice to those in the Holy Land who do not see the conflict in geopolitical or apocalyptic categories. Instead, these Palestinian residents are shown to be victims of a tragic loss of homes, land, and life that must grieve all of us who love Jesus.

Todd L. Lake Nashville, TN

Churches Shouldn’t Outsource Apologetics to Slick Conferences

I agree that apologetics should be done in the local church. However, it needs to start earlier than high school or college. I recently finished a series of lessons to the second-through-fifth-grade children in my church. Topics came from questions the children asked, including “How do we know God exists?” “Why does God let bad things happen?” and “How do we know the Bible is true?”

Wesley Portinga Rosemead, CA

Behind the Scenes

The word theology may conjure visions of old white men in leather armchairs examining dusty tomes. But the field of theology (the study of God) today looks more like men and women of all ages gathering at conferences like the Evangelical Theological Society’s annual meeting (ETS), presenting their latest research, answering questions, countering objections, and leaving with new ideas to further their work.

I attended ETS, reporting on trends I saw in “Why Your Favorite Theologians Are All Talking about Theological Anthropology.” And I saw that theology looks like thinking about God and learning from other God-thinkers, both living and dead. Aren’t all believers called to this? As former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said, “Any Christian beginning to reflect on herself or himself within the body of Christ is … doing theology: making Christian sense of their lives.”

That’s a great summary of CT’s purpose—to help people make “Christian sense of their lives” in community—which is why it’s vital for us to be at ETS and everywhere this work is happening.

Stefani McDade theology editor


Confessions of a Loner

As a newlywed and a new mother, I built exactly the life I wanted. The only thing missing was everyone else.

Illustration by Giovanni Da Re

I don’t remember when I realized I didn’t have a community.

Perhaps it was one Sunday after our church service when, holding my nine-month-old son, I stepped from the nursing
room into the sanctuary and felt, with horrible déjà vu, exactly the way I had felt as a 14-year-old immigrant entering an American school for the first time. I saw a sea of faces I didn’t recognize—people divided into their own friend groups, smiling, chatting, nodding. Everybody seemed to belong somewhere, and I was like a newcomer to a church I had been attending for five years.

Or perhaps it was the Saturday when my mother was getting scanned for pancreatic cancer in South Korea and my husband, David, was out of town. I was solo parenting at home, trying not to cry in front of my son, Tov. I longed for a friend to appear at my door and sit with me, pray out loud, or play with Tov while I washed tears off my face.

I didn’t think much about community until I really needed one and it wasn’t there.

Christians are familiar with Genesis 2:18: “It is not good for the man to be alone.” This verse is most often applied to marriage, but it is an inescapable reality that the Creator, who himself dwells in community as three persons in one, created all humankind to be with and for other people. It is not good to be alone because we were not made to be alone. We burst from our mothers’ wombs screaming for touch.

But as we grow older and more self-sufficient, distracted by life’s burdens, we learn to live independently, like accommodating a broken ankle. And so onward we limp, relationally crippled, until we face a steep hill and realize we need help.

The modern forces of loneliness, writes Derek Thompson in The Atlantic, have created a social ecosphere in which we are “both pushed and pulled toward a level of aloneness for which we are dysevolved and emotionally unprepared.” Americans are spending fewer hours socializing face-to-face than ever before.

The rise in solitude seems to correlate with worsening health outcomes: Teen hopelessness, depression, and suicidal thoughts have been increasing almost every year in the past decade. Life expectancy in America, after rising for decades, has fallen to its lowest level since 1996, in part due to drug 
overdoses and suicides.

Last year, US surgeon general Vivek Murthy said that half of American adults reported experiencing considerable loneliness even before the pandemic, an “epidemic of loneliness and isolation” that could be as deadly as smoking daily.

We know the solution to the isolation crisis: We need each other. We also know we need the social infrastructure to establish and maintain regular rhythms of face-to-face human contact. That infrastructure has been diminishing. Washington Post columnist Perry Bacon Jr. wrote about feeling a “church-sized hole” after he left the church and joined the nones. “Our society needs places that integrate people across class and racial lines,” he wrote.

Funny. I belong to a church. And I too feel like I have a church-sized hole.

Last July, I posted on X and Threads, looking for examples of “beautiful, lasting, deep Christian friendship.”

I should have written “community” instead of “friendship.” Several people responded, describing friendships they had maintained for years. But those friendships were mostly long-distance, kept alive through FaceTime and voice messages.

I have friends. I’ve been a bridesmaid and maid of honor in many weddings. But those are friendships from my teen years and 20s. We are scattered now, across states, oceans, and life stages. They are my friends, but they are not my community. Exchanging funny Instagram reels or texting throughout the week provides me with sporadic sparks of connection.

But authors such as psychologist Susan Pinker have documented how digital interactions cannot replace physical presence—the beautiful ministry of a hug, of a hand held, of smelling the same warm coffee, of simply sitting quietly side by side. It’s the continuum of community—people doing life together, solitude interrupting ongoing interactions rather than brief interactions interrupting solitude—that sets it apart from friendship.

But we are all so darn busy. It takes weeks to schedule a hangout. And if you’ve got kids, plans often get canceled last minute, like that third time my friend rescheduled our date because her toddler fell sick again. That was almost a year ago, and we still haven’t made it happen. We have a good excuse: Though we both live in Los Angeles, we are separated by an hour of traffic. But I have no good explanation for why it takes months to schedule a dinner with neighbors who live on my block. Can we possibly be 
that busy?

It wasn’t always like this. When I was a child in South Korea, my family was part of a small, tight-knit Presbyterian church. We lived in an alley where neighbors freely walked in and out of each other’s houses, sharing home-pickled kimchi.

When we moved to Singapore after my father became a missionary, we lived in a Bible college dorm, sharing a kitchen and living room with missionaries from Myanmar and Thailand.

When we immigrated to the United States, we immediately plugged in to the Chinese church my father planted, spending at least 15 hours a week with our church family. During college, I was part of a small church in LA’s 
Koreatown, spending weekends hanging out at sleepovers and all-day barbeques.

But I was young then, in a different culture and place. I didn’t seek community; it was just there. Now I’m in my late 30s, married, a mother, living in one of the most transient cities in the world. What does community look like in this season?

One reply to my social media net-casting did hook my interest. Brian Daskam from Denton, Texas, sent me an email saying his community “often resembles those TV shows we grew up with: Saved by the Bell, Dawson’s Creek, Friends. Every event we attend is suspiciously occupied by the same cast of characters, the same handful of friends.”

For decades, dating back to their post-college, early married years, the Daskams and their friends took turns hosting dinner book clubs every Sunday evening, during which they discussed Rousseau, Locke, Nietzsche. They continued meeting after babies entered the picture. The room was gurgly and crowded with bouncers and changing pads. They rocked each other’s newborns and discussed things that mattered, whether it was the teleological suspension of the ethical or sleep training.

That’s the community Brian and his wife, Keri, cultivated over 20 years. That’s the village in which they raised their children, who are now best friends with their best friends’ children.

Today, Brian is 45; Keri is 44. With three kids ages 16, 14, and 8, they’re further ahead of me in life. But they seemed to model exactly what I wanted in a community.

When I visited the Daskams in September 2023, the first thing I noticed about Denton was that people drove leisurely, not frantically and ragey like in LA. Denton is a flat city of about 148,000 people, just north of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. It has a college-town vibe. Comparing it to Los Angeles County, with its 10 million people and 88 cities, I started doubting: What could I learn from the Daskams that I could apply back home?

On a Friday evening, I met Brian at the Denton Natatorium, where his oldest, Cate, was competing in a water polo match. His whole family was there, along with several of his friends whose daughters are also on the team.

I squeezed onto a bench between Keri and her best friend, Jeannie Naylor. They met as roommates at the University of North Texas in Denton and have been inseparable ever since.

“I apologize in advance, but I’m going to be really loud,” Jeannie said. She whooped and clapped. To my right, Keri cheered too but was more restrained. “Keri’s too nice,” Jeannie teased. They were so different: Jeannie exuberant and gregarious, Keri reserved and introverted. They can’t imagine life without one another.

A few years ago, the two families were briefly separated by about 2,000 miles. In 2018, the Daskams moved to Olympia, Washington, after Brian took a new job as a communications manager. Brian and Keri were sad about leaving their community but confident about building a new one.

“We had already learned how to create community,” Brian recalled thinking. “We would replicate the model in Washington State. We would be missionaries of community!”

Living in the Pacific Northwest was a dream come true for Brian, who in high school had decorated his locker with posters of mountains and lakes. They bought a log cabin on two acres of wilderness endowed with wild berries, deer, eagles, and the occasional mountain lion. On the weekends, they hiked evergreen forests, harvested oysters at the beach, and kayaked among seals in Puget Sound.

Only one thing was missing: community.

The Daskams tried hosting a dinner book club. They cooked a feast and waited. No one came. “It felt like we were being stood up before a dance,” Keri recalled. They kept inviting people over. Some declined. Others canceled last-minute or showed up once and then disappeared. Some weeks, the Daskams’ only social interaction was smiling at people at church.

It turned out that building a community was challenging as late-30s transplants in a different state. “We were naive,” Keri said. “We were trying with all our minds, and it was not coming together. I’m still not sure why we didn’t just get that magic chemistry that we experience here 
[in Denton].”

And then COVID-19 hit. Finally, Keri asked Brian, “Can we move back? Can you take me out of here?”

It took significant sacrifices to move back. Brian quit his job and sent out a dozen resumes a day for positions that would allow him to work in Denton. They sold their beautiful cabin and hunted for a new house.

In June 2022, four years after leaving, they packed everything back into boxes and drove home. When they returned, it was like their friends had been guarding seats for them. Like they had never left.

And so there we were in the natatorium, just another evening of hanging out. After the match, I chatted with Jeannie while Keri passed out homemade M&M cookies. The sun had set, but outside it was still humid after a blistering, 96-degree autumn afternoon. I could see why Brian had fled to the mountains.

“I don’t know why I live here,” Jeannie complained. But she couldn’t leave because, like the Daskams, she was stuck in community. “What we need,” she exclaimed, “is we need everyone to move together.”

But I wondered if this group would be able to sustain the depth and frequency of interaction in another city. Denton isn’t just a backdrop; it’s part of their community. It matters that they lived their formative years here, transitioning together from college students to newlyweds to first-time parents. It matters that they still live within a nine-minute drive of each other and that their children attend the same schools. It matters that they frequently bump into the same faces at coffee shops and grocery stores and that they groan and suffer the same seventh-circle-of-hell summers together.

I have lived in 12 different homes in three different countries, and I still fantasize about moving. Not once did I factor in community. I assumed I would find my people wherever I went—not that I would go to where my people were.

On Saturday evening, I arrived at the house of Kevin and Emily Roden, longtime friends of the Daskams. Brian had encouraged people in his circles to read Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and invited Baylor University professor Matthew Lee Anderson to lead a discussion on the play and on how people transfigure their longings and desires.

There were sparkling waters, jugs of old-fashioned, mozzarella balls, and pretzels. I waved hello to the Daskams’ pastor, a widower with a kind face, and shook hands with several guests who were regulars at their Sunday dinners. Then we all sat down—more than 30 of us in total—to debate and laugh about what it means to be and live as human beings.

“It’s weird, what you’re doing,” the professor told the group in amusement. “Spending Saturday night thinking about these things.”

But I sensed this evening wasn’t merely a one-off event; it was the outgrowth of an institution that the Daskams had refined over two decades. Their Sunday evening dinners—kicking off the week by breaking bread with community—were a powerful liturgy. It forged identities not as individuals or nuclear families but as parts of a collective of believers who think deeply and discuss intentionally. Their conversations shaped their thoughts, values, and interests.

Later, I talked to the host, Emily Roden, a petite woman with chin-length auburn curls. The Rodens and the Daskams had met in college, once living in the same Victorian-style townhouse complex. Now their oldest daughter, Rosie, is best friends with Cate. Before the Daskams moved to Washington, they spent their last two nights in Denton at the Rodens’ home. It felt like a big slumber party.

“And they just left,” Emily recalled. “Except this time, they weren’t going two minutes away but several states away.” She shook her head. “Oh, I could almost cry just thinking about it again.” She remembers feeling lost. “A huge reason why we’re even in Denton is gone,” she told her husband then.

The Daskams’ absence left a hole in their community. It changed the dynamic. Who could replace Brian’s intellectual curiosity and nerdiness or Keri’s sweet wisdom and baking? “These kinds of friendships come only once in a lifetime,” Emily told me.

And for some people, never.

I felt a pang. If David and I were to move, would anyone say that our departure left a gash in their world?

I also felt weirdly embarrassed. When I told people why I was visiting Denton, they shot me looks of sympathy. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” they said.

I hadn’t felt embarrassed until that point. Didn’t everyone struggle with finding community? Not them, it seemed. They joked about wanting to escape Denton, but with a contented resignation. Ah well, what can we do? This is home.

“So what you’re telling me,” I later asked Brian, “is I need to return to college, find my besties there, buy houses in the same neighborhood, have babies at the same time, and spend 20 years together in order to have the community you have.”

Brian laughed. Much of what he has is the grace of God, he admitted. “We recognize it’s unfair, that some of these things, not everyone has the ability to do,” he said.

Perhaps not. The Daskams had tried in Washington, and they had come back. But what I saw in Denton were the fruits of 20 years of structured gatherings pumped with many unstructured hangouts. The group met frequently, consistently, intentionally, randomly, spontaneously. Its social muscles were limber and strong after repeated strengthening and stretching.

I flew back to LA with a hole growing in my heart. It wasn’t a terrible feeling; it was that I’d seen with my own eyes what I longed to have for me and my family. I also felt comforted by the Daskams’ struggles in Washington. I wasn’t alone; building community is hard.

But how did it get this hard?

David and I got married on April 10, 2020, at the dawn of COVID-19 social distancing mandates. A month earlier, the world had shut down. Schools and churches closed. Gyms and movie theaters shuttered. Even playgrounds and beaches were taped off.

We were married in David’s backyard in front of God, our pastor, and a camera through which our friends and family witnessed our vows. Our “reception” was on Zoom, and David and I dined on Uber Eats sushi. On the screen of our iMac, my mother-in-law looked miserable; my father-in-law cried, but not from joy.

I didn’t mind too much. We saved thousands of dollars. Nobody could tell my makeup was hideous or that I wore sneakers under my dress. Besides, wasn’t a wedding about the love and commitment between husband and wife? So what if, when the Zoom window closed, we were suddenly alone in our house for the rest of the day, the rest of the week, and months after? A marriage is 
between two, no?

And that’s how our new life began. Our church did not meet in person for more than a year. I got used to livestreaming the sermon while frothing milk for my coffee. We stopped attending biweekly neighborhood “dinners” on Zoom because those virtual hangouts felt pointless 
and awkward.

David complained about feeling isolated; I felt liberated—free from anyone’s petty drama or birthday parties or baby showers. My plans revolved around my interests and convenience.

Slowly, gradually, the outside world returned. Our church met physically for services again. We met with friends at restaurants. But by then, I had gotten comfortable living a self-contained, self-gazing life. Navigating 58 minutes of freeways to meet a friend suddenly felt draining and unnecessary. Was it really worth all that effort when we could just text or call?

Then on Saturday morning, September 18, 2021, my husband received a call from his dad. I was still in bed, but I could hear my father-in-law’s loud, ragged sobs through the phone.

While my in-laws were on their usual daily walk, a neighbor in a Chevrolet Avalanche had sped through a busy intersection and hit my mother-in-law.

By the time David and I were in the air, flying to Bismarck, North Dakota, the doctors had pronounced her dead. My father-in-law greeted us at David’s childhood home with sunken eyes and swollen cheeks, looking frail and broken in his dark, four-bedroom house.

We stayed three weeks in Bismarck. Relatives converged from across the country. Friends and neighbors rang the doorbell and dropped off cookie platters, knoephla soup, and tater tot casseroles. Our cellphones vibrated all day with text messages from friends and coworkers: “Praying for you.” “Whatever you need.” “There are no words.”

When we returned home, my husband was not the same man. He had needs he couldn’t identify. I didn’t know how to 
be the wife he needed, and his friends didn’t know how to be the friends he needed.

Our church asked if we wanted a meal train. We said no. We lived a ways from most of the congregation, and besides, I hate casseroles.

I realize now that turning down the offer was a grave mistake. People wanted a reason to come knock on our door, to invite themselves over, and I had closed the gate on them. So over time, people forgot. They had their own problems. Some texted to ask how David was doing, but they didn’t know how to respond when he told them he was still grieving.

Five months after the tragedy, I found out I was pregnant—six months pregnant.

When I gave birth to our son, we named him Tov to remind ourselves that God is tov—“good” in Hebrew. God created the world and called it tov. He also said: Lo-tov heyoth ha’adam levaddo. “It is not good for a man to be alone.”

It was through Tov that I realized I was alone. When he was born, I again declined a meal-train offer from our church; I just wanted to be left alone. Postpartum and motherhood blew my world apart. I lost my freedom of body, time, and attention. I was grossed out by how I leaked everywhere, deflated yet swollen. I had, seemingly overnight, become responsible for a helpless human being. I didn’t want to see anyone or be seen.

Nine months passed until one Sunday at church when I exited the nursing room and, lifting my head from the fog of motherhood, saw only unfamiliar faces.

In those nine months, our congregation of about 100 had changed (LA being a transient city). I hadn’t noticed. But my oblivion wasn’t solely due to motherhood. It was formed by months of seeking only what felt convenient and comfortable.

There were other obstacles to community, too. Having a baby meant less flexibility. We couldn’t attend neighborhood dinners or prayer nights, which conflicted with bedtime. We invested in one family, hoping our sons would grow up to become best friends, and then the family moved to Fresno. I was part of a discipleship group, but because of conflicting schedules, we met maybe once every six weeks. “We should meet up sometime” became such a common lie that we said it as glibly as a passing greeting.

Yes, we were busy. But to be “too busy” for community is simply to prioritize things other than community. What would our life look like now had we made different choices, like accepting those meal trains?

After visiting Denton, I made several changes.

First, I called some close friends and penciled in monthly dates to hang out. If we didn’t have some sort of structured schedule, I knew we’d only meet a couple of times a year.

Second, David and I made a list of our family values. At the top: Sunday is sacred. It will no longer be an hour of church, then errands, then chilling in front of the TV. Sunday will be reserved for our church family, even if it means ruling out certain extracurricular activities for Tov.

Third, we decided to find a church closer to us. We couldn’t see ourselves forming consistent community at a faraway church with rhythms of fellowship our family couldn’t partake in. When we’re out of sight, we’re out of mind.

At our new, nearby church, we found a small group that met on Sunday afternoons. The first time we visited, older children played outside while Tov stayed with us. He bounced around like a bunny on an energy drink, sprinkling crumbs everywhere. We felt terrible, but nobody seemed to mind. When Tov started fussing, a college student got on her knees and enthralled him with magic tricks.

That first meeting felt awkward. It’s always awkward breaking into a group that has already formed its own culture and dynamics. Everyone was friendly, but we didn’t immediately jibe with anyone. We were just…so different.

The next small group gathering, we met at someone else’s house. The first thing I saw was a big campaign sign in the front yard endorsing a candidate I would never support. I groaned. I knew that a person’s political position shouldn’t matter within the body of Christ, but that sign left an impression.

What did I expect? That we’d just stumble upon “our people” and start running to Costco together and pouring out our hearts around a firepit? The first community Jesus built was his 12 disciples—men of clashing political stripes, personalities, and social backgrounds whose bickering is well documented in the Gospels (Luke 9:46). What made me think my community should share my interests, humor, and politics?

I was still struggling with these thoughts when I picked up a book called When the Church Was a Family: Recapturing Jesus’ Vision for Authentic Christian Community by Joseph H. Hellerman. I had read multiple books on friendship and community, but this was the first one I’d found that focused on the church.

“As church-going Americans, we have been socialized to believe that our individual fulfillment and our personal relationship with God are more important than any connection we might have with our fellow human beings, whether in the home or in the church,” Hellerman wrote. “We have, in a most subtle and insidious way, been conformed to this world.”

Modern Christians often put family needs above community ones, even seeing that as biblical. But Hellerman argues that’s not what Scripture and the early church teach.

“The New Testament picture of the church as a family flies in the face of our individualistic cultural orientation,” he writes. God’s vision of the church as our first family “offers a powerful antidote” to the social ills of today.

I was still reading the book’s introduction when I realized that Joseph Hellerman was the same “Pastor Joe” who preaches at the church David and I had been attending for several weeks.

I emailed Hellerman. It turns out he lives five minutes away from me. We met up at his favorite local coffee shop. He had grown up in the neighborhood and raised two daughters in his childhood two-bedroom home. As we baked outside in the California sun, locals stopped to say hi.

Hellerman, at 71, still gives off major beach vibes. He’s been in ministry for more than four decades, using his church as a sort of “laboratory,” as he calls it, to test his convictions on community. He preaches regularly against Western individualism, trying to model community in his own life. “It hasn’t been easy,” he told me.

Hellerman is proud of his church. But of roughly 400 members, he estimates that maybe 100 truly experience the church as family. “We’ve worked, worked, worked at it, and that’s the best we can do.”

The pandemic was the most divisive time in his ministry experience. He was aghast and disappointed to see church members squabble and attack each other on social media about vaccines and masks. Some left over their differences.

Orthodoxy wasn’t the problem, Hellerman said: “I’ve seen too much good theology and bad relationships go hand in hand over the years.” We know cognitively what we need to do, what we long for, he explained. But we don’t know how to put that into practice, or we are unwilling to do so. Too many forces work against us:

“When I look at my own life, my own stubbornness when it comes to community, my wife and I don’t get the community thing like we should. We are drawn to it yet scared to death by it. It’s our house. Our money. Our life.”

Somehow, it didn’t discourage me that Hellerman, who had written a whole book about this topic with such conviction and authority, struggled to live it out. Instead, I felt encouraged—100 out of his 400 church members were managing to live out community. Here was a pastor who empathized with those who fell short, because he swims against the same currents.

The week we talked, Hellerman was working on a sermon about the role of the Holy Spirit in community. He can preach all he wants, he said, but ultimately, “If this is the truth, then as it’s being shared, the Holy Spirit in the people is going to affirm it.”

I suppose that’s what’s been going on inside me: The Spirit has been affirming what I’ve known and desired all along. “David and I don’t want to move churches anymore,” I told Hellerman. “We want to plant roots here. 
I want my son to grow up in a church where he has surrogate aunts and uncles. I want him to not just be raised by me and David, but by the church community. I want him to love the church as family.”

It was the first time I had expressed this out loud, but it’s a prayer that’s been gradually maturing in my heart. It started with a longing for community that first focused on my and my family’s needs.

Over time, the Holy Spirit has been illuminating and correcting me, revealing my selfishness and stubbornness, deepening and expanding my prayers toward something that’s closer to God’s heart, something that hopefully reflects the all-night prayers 
I imagine Jesus prayed in Luke 6:12 before he chose the disciples who would build his church.

And if this is what God wants for us, our path is simple: Follow and receive. Follow, even if it means our plans get canceled, our routines get messed up, and we sacrifice time and resources. Receive, because community is a gift from God, even if the people surrounding me don’t conform to my preferences. Even if they hurt or annoy or inconvenience me.

It sounds so simple. Yet it is so, so hard. At times I think, Why, this is nothing. Other times, I feel defeated: Can we really do this?

A few days before Christmas last year, I found out we were having another baby. Our life is only going to get more chaotic, more busy. And depending on what we choose, we might become even more isolated.

But we have to do this. Round two, here we go. And this time, I’ll accept the casseroles, thank you.

Sophia Lee is global staff writer at CT.

A photo of Kyle Zunker

My Dreams Had Come True. But the Panic Attacks Remained.

How I discovered God’s peace and found relief from debilitating anxiety.

Photography by JoMando Cruz for Christianity Today

Trying to get comfortable, I shifted my head on the hard table. “How is this volume?” asked a voice through my earbuds. I made a thumbs-up signal for the technician on the other side of the glass wall.

I exhaled and clutched the remote with the emergency exit button as the table retracted into the narrow MRI tube. I hoped that multiple doses of anxiety medicine would help me fight off a panic attack for the next half hour.

Seven years prior, in 2008, I had graduated from high school and left home for college. At the time, I considered myself a Christian. I was baptized at 14 and attended church on and off through high school, but my faith was nominal and insufficient to weather the storm I was about to create.

In college, I started living by an increasingly self-centered ethic. Whatever was going on—parties, classes, work—I wanted to do it best. I wanted to be the most successful, interesting, and important person in the world. The more self-oriented my life became, the more highly I thought of myself and the more I subscribed to intellectual arguments against the existence of God.

By my early 20s, I was a staunch atheist. I thought I knew God did not exist and thought I saw all the fallacies in Christianity. I ridiculed Christians outwardly on several occasions and inwardly on countless others.

As I pursued personal glorification, my health began to decline. I suffered my first panic attack at 19 years old. It was unlike anything I had ever endured. My heart raced, my face burned, my blood ran ice cold, and the inside of my body tried to rip through my skin.

It is difficult to describe how desperate, overwhelmed, and irrational I felt during panic attacks. I remember one that came inside a minivan breezing down the highway. In that moment, I thought I would have been safer throwing myself from the moving vehicle.

As my panic attacks became more frequent and less predictable, an ever-present anxiety took hold of my life, and my physical health deteriorated further. My throat felt swollen to the point where I worried about breathing. My hands, feet, and face alternated between tingling, burning, and going numb. Muscles began twitching involuntarily. My legs buzzed so badly when I was trying to sleep that I would walk on my apartment complex’s treadmill in the middle of the night. My testosterone plummeted, my lymph nodes swelled to alarming proportions, and I broke out in shingles.

By my final semester of law school in 2015, I was terrified, desperate for relief and answers, bouncing from doctor to doctor and self-medicating to make it through life. When I finally got my MRI, the imaging came back clean—yet another inconclusive test that left the doctors guessing.

That May, I graduated and began studying for the bar exam. I took the summer off from work and adopted a rigid schedule of studying, exercise, and sleep. The regimented lifestyle kept me preoccupied, and I found some relief—but only temporarily. During the three-month wait for my exam results, anxiety retook control.

I fixed my hope on two things: passing the bar exam and proposing to my girlfriend, Hannah. A few months later, within an eight-day stretch, both went as planned. I was thrilled but also deeply concerned. My anxiety had not improved, and a new fear crept in: The two dreams that dominated my life had come to fruition, and if those hadn’t brought peace, then what could? I began despairing that I was incapable of fulfillment.

Then something strange happened.

Before our wedding, Hannah and I lived downtown at the epicenter of urban revitalization in San Antonio. Countless times, as we browsed nearby restaurants, coffee shops, and a farmers’ market, we passed a small building labeled “Pearl Street Church.” Every Sunday, smiling people lined up outside, covering the sidewalk and spilling over the bike lanes into the street.

One day, I suggested to Hannah that we should attend the church. I had no intention of believing in anything. I anticipated emotion-evoking music and a social-club vibe. I also suspected Hannah wanted to attend church, and if I went with her, it would boost my respectability as a future husband.

We attended our first 6 p.m. service sometime in late 2015 or early 2016. When we entered the building, I steered us to the least crowded section in the back, but I could not hide. Numerous people came up and greeted us in the minutes before the service, and the lead pastor welcomed us with an enthusiastic smile. When he walked onstage to deliver the message, I was skeptical, guarded, and ready to shred him in my mind. But he shocked me.

His sermon explored Genesis 22, in which God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son. This was one of the Bible stories I would cite as an atheist to debunk the faith and ridicule Christians. “Why would a supposedly loving God demand that someone kill his child as part of a test?” I would ask.

But that evening, as the pastor spoke, my eyes were opened. God’s instruction to Abraham was not a pointless or sadistic test; it prophetically foreshadowed the work of Jesus. It was God’s way of showing the inestimably high price he would pay for our salvation. And in the end, God did not require Abraham to pay that price but chose instead to pay it himself.

Leaving the church that evening, I knew my intellectual arguments against God and the Bible were not as ironclad as I had imagined. I was still an atheist—or at least highly skeptical. But the gospel the pastor preached was not the straw-man religion I had grown accustomed to attacking. It was something else, something I did not understand, something that left an ineffable impression of truth upon me. I needed to learn more.

Over the next few months, I read through the New Testament and several apologetics books, and Hannah and I attended the same church service each Sunday. All the while, anxiety continued to plague me, and I felt myself approaching a breaking point.

It came in April 2016, about four months after we had started attending church. It was 2 a.m., and I was having another sleepless night. I got out of bed and spread my yoga mat on our living room floor. I tried to stretch the buzzing and twitching out of my legs, but there was no improvement. After several minutes, I gave up and fell face down on my mat.

I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I was tired of trying and failing to carry the overwhelming burden of my own expectations. I was tired of the parade of physical ailments and the cold flood of anxiety. I was tired of fear and, most of all, tired of being tired. In that moment, face down on my yoga mat in the middle of the night, I was prostrate in every sense of the word.

Then, for the first time in years, I prayed. I prayed the only words I could think of: “Thy will be done.” I prayed those words over and over until I found the energy to pray in more detail. I even prayed that if God willed for me to die, then his will be done.

Everything changed that night. Philippians 4:6–7, which I encountered months later, captures the shift:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (NLT)

The peace of God changed my life. It gave me power over anxiety and fear, and my body began to heal as joy and hope replaced depression and despair. Three years later, my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at 55. Had this happened when I was an atheist, it would have destroyed me. But I was armored with God’s peace, and God provided the courage I needed to support my father and encourage him with the Good News.

Kyle Zunker is the author of Amazing Courage: Letters to My Father on Conquering Fear through Faith and a blog dedicated to helping people understand faith.


Which Comes First: Good Citizens or Good Governments?

Two new books consider whether one depends on the other.

Illustration by Ben Hickey

Constitutional scholar C. L. Skach begins How to Be a Citizen: Learning to Be Civil Without the State with an engrossing account of her own foray into crafting the law of a land. The land in question was American-occupied Iraq, to which Skach traveled in 2008, full of enthusiasm and feeling she’d reached the peak of her profession. She recalls, “As one of my students at Oxford put it, ‘You are writing constitutions, Professor Skach; it doesn’t get any better than this.’”

Readers old enough to remember the many failures of the US government’s efforts to export democracy to the Middle East won’t be surprised to learn that her story soon takes a chaotic turn. With the work far from finished, Skach’s camp in Baghdad is hit by a rocket meant for the nearby US Embassy, and just hours later she’s riding a tank back to the airport, leaving Iraq with democracy stuck in customs.

“I realized that nothing or no one could help these people but themselves,” Skach writes. “No law, no rule” imposed by outsiders could force the culture into a shape foreign to its norms. So unsettling was the experience that, by its end, the professor of law had lost her “faith in formal rules—in the law” itself.

But the problem at the center of How to Be a Citizen is not simply a matter of law, and it has that in common with another recent book, American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation—and Could Again, by political scientist Yuval Levin.

Both authors write in response to a diagnosis with which almost no observer of modern American politics could quibble: Things are not working as they should. We can’t seem to get along as a people, and this discord is not merely a normal cycle of history framed by our memory of midcentury consensus. Something is fundamentally broken at the institutional and cultural levels of our politics. The government and citizenry alike have gotten off-kilter—perhaps dangerously so. Something must be done.

Skach’s proposal for that something begins with the people, not the government. Having concluded that rule changes alone aren’t the answer—that you cannot have “a democracy without democrats”—she sketches a six-part solution for forming an engaged, empathetic, democratic citizenry that will no longer rely “on the law to do the work of living together.”

On the scale of chapter titles, there’s much wisdom here. “Hang out in a piazza, repeatedly,” she advises. “Grow your own tomatoes, and share them.” “Own your rights, but responsibly.”

But the details of Skach’s vision of “spontaneous, horizontal, non-hierarchical self-sufficiency” are rather less reassuring and often suffer from a lack of specificity around the role of the state. (This confusion shows itself in her subtitle, too, for we can certainly be civil without the state, but we can’t be citizens without it.)

Skach is careful to note that she’s not advocating violence or lawbreaking, or even for doing away with the legal order—at least not yet. She wants readers to take direct, usually local action, to self-organize, and to “begin building up the kind of inclusive self-care communities we want and need.” Usually this takes a progressive tone, but sometimes it swings libertarian, as when she argues that this will “leave less work for the elected leaders to do.”

At her best, Skach is calling for thick civil society, personal responsibility, voluntary charity, and good norms. Yet too often, she seems to imagine that a sprawling, diverse country can, with enough hard work and goodwill, function like a small village with no real crime and no deeply held religious or ethical differences, only “preferences” that may be set aside to help a friend.

And at her worst, Skach proposes outfitting our public spaces “with daily news reports for those who will not access them through cell phones.” These would broadcast on “environmentally discreet, solar-powered plasma screens displaying information from a variety of sources, with optional soundscapes for the visually impaired.”

Who decides what capital-T Truths the big TVs will scream at us? She doesn’t say. But the obvious candidate is the state, and it’s remarkable to see the technology of George Orwell’s 1984 reintroduced in a book about empowering the citizenry.

American Covenant takes a near-opposite tack. Though never neglectful of the importance of civil society, public virtue, and strong norms, Levin’s contention is that our Constitution

is not the problem we face. It is more like the solution. It was designed with an exceptionally sophisticated grasp of the nature of political division and diversity, and it aims to create—and not just to occupy—common ground in our society.

It does this because constitutional function extends beyond establishing the basic shape of our government to forming us as citizens, as “people well suited to living together.”

That formation doesn’t require ideological unity, Levin is careful to say. It has room for the deeply held differences Skach tries to brush away as petty self-interest. The Constitution “goes about creating common ground” by “compelling Americans with different views and priorities to deal with one another,” Levin writes. It forces us to negotiate, to compromise, to understand and accommodate as we wish to be understood and accommodated. It obliges us to “act together without thinking alike.”

Or at least it’s supposed to. But for a century we’ve been kicking against the constitutional goads, impatient with the very deliberation and domestic diplomacy the design is intended to produce. Core institutions are now bent grossly out of shape, and American politics are bent to match.

In a time as divided as ours, then, Levin argues that Americans must not lose faith in our Constitution but rather revive it:

Rather than throw out the system or deform it to better suit today’s grotesque civic vices, we should look to the logic of the Constitution for guidance toward constructive institutional reforms and healthier political habits.

My expectation, going into both books, was that I’d find Skach’s solutions humbler and thus more feasible. I can’t make Congress stop shirking responsibility, but I can plant a garden and share the tomatoes. If the Titanic really is sinking, perhaps arranging the deck chairs is truly all you can do (or even a service you should do).

But I finished American Covenant far more in Levin’s camp than Skach’s, persuaded that his approach is sounder on several counts, of which I’ll mention three.

The first is that Skach—an American living in the UK—writes about constitutions generally, but Levin is concerned with the Constitution. That is, his argument is specific to the American situation, to our culture and shared history. And that matters for precisely the reason Skach encountered in the Mideast: The Constitution is not an outside imposition in the US. It doesn’t resemble “human-to-human stem cell transplants”—which the body may treat as a threat with disastrous results—unlike the democracy she tried to help export to Iraq.

We have a lot of political dysfunction, but it is not the same kind of dysfunction Skach observed in Baghdad, and proffering our own Constitution as a remedy is not like flying in foreigners to build a new nation. Recent history in Iraq and beyond suggests Skach was right to lose faith in that kind of project. Happily, restoring the internal logic of our Constitution is not that kind of project.

Next is the question of how to address the erosion of the rule of law, a reality that both books have squarely in view. Skach dismisses “solutions [that] come out of the same toolbox we have drawn from for centuries,” like “more rules to fix our broken democracies.”

Instead of improving our laws, she says, we should be most concerned with improving our small communities, exercising “our own judgement and collective action” and showing that we do not need authority and top-down rules to behave ourselves and care for each other.

In one sense, of course, this is true: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up,” Galatians 6:9 says. Yet rule of law is also a real good, a valuable inheritance not to be lightly cast aside as an outdated tool. And if something’s gone wrong with our rules, then surely—unless we really are on the Titanic—fixing those rules must be some part of our response?

Skach’s interest in individual action highlights a third point in Levin’s favor, which is his more accurate notion of human nature. American Covenant repeatedly draws on anthropology, sketching a picture of humans as creatures of virtue and vice, “each fallen and imperfect yet made in a divine image and possessed of equal dignity.”

The design of the Constitution, Levin writes, citing framers like James Madison, assumes both sides of humankind. This is why it imposes real constraints while insisting citizens can rise to a demand of “selflessness, accommodation, restraint, deliberation, and service.”

Skach’s story is simpler, and worse for it. She argues that it’s fallacious to believe “nature needs authority for good order to exist,” contending instead that people, like bubbles in beer foam, will “spontaneously” “find their way” into “harmonious equilibrium” if they are simply “left to their own devices.”

It is not clear, given this view of humanity, why we’d need the Orwell screens. Nor is it really clear how Skach envisions handling real and durable disagreement about important matters, let alone crime. She admits intra-citizen negotiations “will sometimes fail, because some individuals will refuse to give up what they consider their due share”—as if the only reason people ever reach an impasse is somebody being a bit selfish.

One of her most striking scenarios of good citizenship, shared once as hypothetical and again in relaying a real conversation, is that “gays can buy a cake for their wedding, even from a Christian baker, who is able to see the humanity of the couple in front of him rather than sexual preferences that conflict with his.” The idea that there might be something more substantive than “preferences” at play doesn’t seem to enter Skach’s mind.

That is not to say How to Be a Citizen has no worthwhile instruction for citizens. Skach’s promotion of charity and life in the piazza—a public, physical “space where we can go regularly, where we feel known and accepted”—is exactly right. The church can and should be at the forefront of building the kind of communal life she envisions. In many smaller communities, it may be the only institution left with any capacity to do so.

And Levin, for his part, is not wholly consistent on whether the work of repairing our political dysfunction begins with our institutions or our culture. Earlier in the book, he says to start with the culture: “Our institutions aren’t going to change before our expectations do, only after,” so “we, as citizens, must move first by coming to better understand our Constitution and to better live it out.”

But at the end, he says to start with the institutions, because they “are much more readily changeable” than culture, “and so it makes sense to begin to approach deep cultural problems by considering what institutional reforms might be of use and work from there.”

I suspect the second answer is the wiser one, though that’s not to say I think it’s likely to succeed. For all Levin’s realism, American Covenant often feels like a fantasy. Its presentation of how our constitutional system is supposed to work emphasizes how badly we’ve broken it and how huge an endeavor restoration would be.

Yet on one point Levin did tempt me to hope: “It is easy to wave away such talk in modern America and insist that we no longer think this way, but our political life suggests that we certainly do.” We claim the best constitutional principles for ourselves and accuse our opponents of ignoring or betraying them. Even our debates about the hypocrisy of the Constitution’s framers evince an ingrained loyalty to their ideals. Maybe we have not entirely forgotten how to be citizens in this particular republic.

Bonnie Kristian is CT’s editorial director of ideas and books.


The Counterintuitive Lesson of Caring for Yourself First

Guest Columnist

Jesus asked if we want to get well. But do we?

Illustration by Keith Negley

At 24, I was a recent Bible college graduate and married a whopping six days when I began my first ministry as a hospital chaplain. I had never seen a dead body before. I had no experience with grief. I was way out of my depth.

After I arrived, there was a brief meet and greet with the hospital staff, who handed me four beepers and began a tour of the facility. A few minutes later, one beeper flashed brightly and I soon found myself in a small room filled with unhinged, screaming people. They had just been told their mother died on the surgery table. I had no idea what to do. That is where I first met my anxiety.

The next several weeks were similar. There is nothing like sudden death, bone marrow tests, bald children, and emergency surgeries to generate anxiety. My surprise was how much it generated in me.

Chaplains walk into dozens of anxious rooms every day. We deeply connect to strangers in the worst and most intimate moments of their lives. We bear witness to the presence of Christ in the midst of it. How do we do it day after day without catching all the anxiety flying around? How do we not infect the room with our own? Those early weeks revealed so much unrest bubbling underneath my awareness. It infected my ability to be connected and present with God and people in their worst moments.

The year I served as a chaplain, I was introduced to systems theory, which specifically helps identify anxiety—first in ourselves and then in the people around us. I studied it further in graduate school and have been studying and teaching it ever since. I now travel the world and help leaders learn the tools to notice their own triggers, notice when they are reactive instead of connected, and notice the anxious patterns that develop in their teams.

I have come to see anxiety management as an essential path to being well. It is tricky work because most leaders are so focused on the mission at hand or on others that they struggle to locate the anxiety in themselves. They don’t naturally know when they are in its grip or when they are catching and spreading it.

After one particularly grueling shift during my chaplaincy days, the attending doctor came out of the patient’s room and said, “When someone’s heart stops beating, first take your own pulse.” You have probably heard a flight attendant say the same thing in a different way: “First put the oxygen mask on your own face before helping others.”

You cannot help another person when you are starving for oxygen in your own soul. You cannot be an effective servant for God when your own triggers and assumptions are speaking louder to you than the guidance of the Spirit.

Thus began the counterintuitive lesson of my life, a lesson I am still learning: First take my own pulse, put the oxygen mask on my own face, and connect to myself before I reach out to connect to others. It isn’t selfish; it is the fastest path to paying attention to what is really going on so I can give it to God and relax in his presence. Following this increases the chance that I will operate out of God’s steam and God’s prompting rather than my own untamed reactivity.

Well leaders know what is going on under the surface. They know how to focus on the dynamics between people as much as on the mission at hand. They can walk into rooms of high anxiety or high ambiguity and, rather than catch and spread the anxiety, relax into God’s presence. They can listen to learn rather than to defend or fix. They are clear on what is theirs to carry, what is others’ to carry, and what is God’s. (Most leaders overfunction. We carry more than God has asked us to carry.)

Well leaders know and manage their triggers before a meeting to increase their capacity to connect during the meeting. They allow themselves to be human sized instead of always trying to be superhuman. They do not need to prove themselves or appear impressive, and they manage the desire to exaggerate or showboat. They can have a difficult conversation with a critic without becoming defensive or aggressive.

When you notice you are not well, what do you do next? Many of us just press on, some right into burnout or failure. When a pastor or leader is not well and offers Jesus to someone, they can cause colossal damage in the name of Jesus.

Think of the Christian leaders in the past eight years who offered Jesus while they themselves were not well. The list is long and painful and has generated severe fallout. Do you have a personal experience with a local Christian leader who was not well while attempting to proclaim Christ? What would have been different if that leader had first taken their own pulse?

But enough about others. God invites us to take responsibility for ourselves.

I host a podcast for Christianity Today called Being Human. A feature of the podcast is when I ask each guest a series of questions called “The Gauntlet of Anxiety Questions.” As you can imagine, the title basically sells itself. One of the more popular questions on the gauntlet is “How do you know when you are not well?”

Here is another: “Who knows you are not well before you know?”

But the most provocative question about well-being isn’t on my gauntlet. It is a question Jesus asked: “Do you want to get well?”

This question has convicted me since I first read it in Scripture.

Jesus was in Jerusalem for a festival when he stopped by the famous Sheep Gate pool. The rumor was that if you could get into the pool when the water stirred, you would be healed. I’ll let John take it from here:

Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead
of me.”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. (John 5:3–9)

Notice that the man didn’t just reply, Yes, please. He bounced off Jesus’ question with a sort of excuse. I think about that a lot. Do you want to be well? Rather than saying, “Yes,” I am prone to say, “Let me explain my situation.”

It turns out my anxious leadership responses are often coping mechanisms I have used since I was a child. They have been an ever-present but insufficient help in times of trouble for decades. Even though they are unreliable, I keep leaning on them. Detangling what my anxiety calls me to do versus what God calls me to do is difficult, slow work. Though I teach people in this field full-time now, well-being is not my default experience. It takes intentionality, courage, and practice.

Do you want to be well? I hope so. We are starving for Christian leaders who take responsibility for their own well-being. Leadership is getting increasingly complex, and people are more reactive and cagier than ever, it seems. We need leaders who know how to connect deeply—to others, of course, but most importantly to God and to self.

I was surprised to learn that sometimes I had to connect to myself before connecting to God. By paying attention first to what was happening in me, I had more to bring to God, more to hand over, more to trust God with. It helped me relax into God’s presence.

Two superpowers in anxiety management are noticing and curiosity. If you can learn to notice anxiety—in you and coming at you from others—you are less likely to catch and spread it. If you can move into a posture of curiosity with yourself and others—even difficult people—you will increase your chances of being well. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

How do I know when I am anxious?

Who knows before I know, and what are the signs?

What is mine to carry, what is theirs, what is God’s?

What do I think I need that I do not really need?

What practice that takes five minutes or less helps me relax into God’s presence?

When lately have I felt fully and completely loved?

As a person of faith, your well-being is a gift you can give the people in your spheres. They will be grateful, and it will help them be well too. But more pointedly, you are worth the effort it takes to be well. Your well-being is important to God too. I hope you can pause and relax into his presence today.

Steve Cuss is the host of CT’s podcast also called Being Human.

The Church Outside Serving the Church Inside

Reading Philippians from Paul’s prison context should encourage the church to care better for the incarcerated.

Illustration by Brian Stauffer

To understand Paul’s letter to the Philippians, it helps to start in prison.

After all, that’s where Paul was when he wrote it. “In chains for Christ,” as he puts it, longing to be reunited with his faithful friends in Philippi (Phil. 1:8, 13). Reading Philippians as the letter of a prisoner puts flesh on Paul’s theology, a theology rooted in his rich experience of Christ amid degradation and suffering.

It also brings the story behind the letter to life—Paul’s story, yes, but also the story of the Philippian believers who showed up to support their incarcerated apostle. Today, the American church lives amid an epidemic of incarceration, and the story of Paul and the Philippians is an invitation to build relationships of solidarity across prison walls.

With his letter from prison, Paul stands at the beginning of a long line of famous incarcerated letter writers, from second-century Christian leader Ignatius to 20th-century prophet Martin Luther King Jr. But ordinary prisoners wrote letters too, in Paul’s world just as today, and some of these ancient prison letters still survive.

At first glance, they look a lot like the oldest surviving copies of Philippians—just scraps of papyrus, worn with age. But when we look more closely, they offer remarkable glimpses into the precarious circumstances from which prisoners like Paul wrote.

Take, for example, the short letter written by an otherwise forgotten man named Phaneisis. A migrant laborer in the bustling city of Alexandria, Egypt, Phaneisis had landed in serious trouble and been sent to prison by an important finance official. Whatever his offense, he found himself in jail, helpless and far from home. After three long days, he began to get desperate.

“Do not forget me, wasting away in prison.” The line runs through ancient prison letters like a desperate refrain. Prison is difficult to endure in any context. In the Greco-Roman world, it could be deadly. Ancient sources spoke of unbearable heat or bitter cold, darkness, filth, disease, and stench. And—above all—hunger.

For if the meals provided to incarcerated people today are seldom very appetizing or nutritious, ancient prisoners received the barest of rations—or no food at all. This left them utterly dependent on family and friends to provide for their needs while incarcerated.

Phaneisis had tried to get word to his family. But they lived way up the Nile. Who knew how long it would take them to send help? So he wrote a letter to his boss, somehow finding a messenger willing to carry it.

“Would you be so kind as to send someone to me,” he writes, “since I have no one in the city, and send me a cloak or some money—whatever you please—to get me through until one of my folks sails down?” (translation mine).

Money would buy food. But why a cloak? For many prisoners, a cloak served not only as clothing but as their only cover and comfort as they slept on the hard ground. Paul also requested a cloak while in prison, likely for the same reason (2 Tim. 4:13).

Paul, like Phaneisis, found himself dependent on others to meet his basic needs. He too had to wait on distant loved ones, never certain when or even if help would come (Phil. 4:10). A gift of food or money, an encouraging visit, a cloak to keep him warm—these could make the difference between life and death, hope and despair, giving up or getting by.

In Philippians, Paul has a name for the lifeline his fellow believers provide for him while in prison. He calls it their “partnership in the gospel” (1:5). The Greek term Paul uses here for partnership, koinonia, appears in various forms throughout his short letter. The word implies sharing, partnership, fellowship, and commitment.

More specifically, it names the Philippians’ Christ-shaped solidarity with him in the face of suffering and hardship. Bound in a relationship of mutual sharing and care, Paul and the Philippians offer each other emotional support, spiritual encouragement, and concrete, material aid.

This relationship of mutuality, this giving and receiving of gifts in the Lord—this, I believe, is God’s invitation for the church in our age. To accept it means to leave behind fear, hatred, and even pity and embrace those in prison as beloved siblings in Christ.

We can piece together the story from clues in Paul’s letter. When the Philippians had last seen Paul, he was headed west for Thessalonica, leaving behind in Philippi a newly founded group of believers (Phil. 4:15). He was also fleeing intense opposition. As he later reminded the believers in Thessalonica, he had arrived there still bruised from the violent mistreatment he had suffered in Philippi (1 Thess. 2:2).

The Philippians could easily have turned their backs on Paul, keeping their distance to avoid risking trouble themselves. Instead, they took an offering. They were not at all wealthy. In fact, they were struggling to get by themselves (2 Cor. 8:1–5). But from their scant resources, the Philippian church gathered what they could and sent a delegation to Thessalonica to help Paul establish himself in a new city.

A few months later, they did it again (Phil. 4:16). And then, when Paul moved on from Thessalonica to Corinth, they sent him help once more (2 Cor. 11:9).

“I thank my God every time I remember you,” Paul begins his letter, “constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing [koinonia] in the gospel from the first day until now” (Phil. 1:3–5, NRSV throughout). With their acts of generous support, the Philippians became not only recipients of God’s good news but committed partners in it. Praying for them raised Paul’s spirits.

And then Paul landed in prison. We do not know what city he was in. Older Christian tradition places him in Rome. More recently, scholars have suggested a location closer to Philippi—Ephesus, perhaps, or Corinth. Either way, like Phaneisis, he found himself locked up and far from home, dependent upon the support of others for his survival.

The classroom where I learn the most these days is in the education wing of a state prison. Like a number of seminary professors across the country, I’ve been teaching a course in prison to a mixed group of students—some who get to go home after class and some who don’t. Our conversations together have me thinking in new ways about the Philippians’ partnership with Paul in the work of the gospel, their solidarity with him in the midst of injustice and hardship. They have me thinking again about what Paul meant by koinonia.

For many of my students, isolation from family and friends is one of the most painful things about being in prison. Families gather for the holidays, children have birthdays, nieces or nephews graduate from high school—and in prison, it’s just one more day of the same old routine. It’s not easy to feel connected. Like most American prisons, the one where I teach was built in a rural area. This makes it difficult for family members to visit, especially those dependent on public transit. Not all of their relationships survive.

Paul, too, found his isolation in prison painful. He was not entirely alone. Timothy was there, either locked up with him or, more likely, visiting him frequently (Phil. 1:1; 2:19–22). Other believers came by when they could (4:21–22).

Unlike modern prisons, Roman jails were built on a city’s main square, with walls that often featured small openings allowing visitors to communicate with those inside or pass food down into their underground cells.

So Paul was not completely isolated. Still, he missed his friends in Philippi. “For God is my witness, how I long for all of you,” he writes (Phil. 1:8). He was itching to hear fresh news from them (2:19). If he got out of prison, he wanted to go and visit them (1:26; 2:24).

Imagine the joy that swept over him when he looked up to see the familiar face of Epaphroditus, his dear friend from Philippi, whom the Philippians had sent to support him. And imagine Paul’s astonishment when, knowing how poor they were, he saw the gift Epaphroditus had brought (4:10, 15–18).

His faithful friends in Philippi had done it again! Using twice more a form of the term koinonia, Paul writes that they had become partners in his chains by sharing in his distress (1:7; 4:14).

“Remember those who are in prison,” urges the writer of Hebrews, “as though you were in prison with them” (13:3). With their acts of costly solidarity, Epaphroditus and the Philippians model how to fulfill this deeply challenging mandate. Sharing in Paul’s love and longing, his sorrow and his joy, they supplied comfort and companionship along with concrete material aid.

With nearly two million people now incarcerated in the United States—a warehousing of human bodies on unprecedented scale—the Philippians’ example has never been more relevant. What might it mean for the church outside prison walls to join in solidarity with those inside, partnering together in the work of a gospel that sets the captive free?

In the final weeks of our seminary course, students worked in groups to analyze an ancient text and present to the class what it revealed about justice then and now. One group chose to work on a speech by Libanius of Antioch, a renowned fourth-century teacher and intellectual.

Libanius had never been in prison. But he had witnessed a close friend’s imprisonment after falling out of favor with the Roman governor. The torture and degradation this friend endured seem to have made a lasting impression on Libanius. More than two decades later, he penned a blistering speech addressed to the Roman emperor Theodosius that described in vivid detail the cruelty and injustice suffered by those in Antioch’s prison.

Unlike Libanius’s friend, most of these prisoners were people of little worldly status. He writes:

This is the fate of the penniless at the hands of wealthy and how ordinary, blue-collar workers get treated by the political class. Would you like me to mention gang members too? Sure, there are some who are guilty. But then, everyone they’ve ever hung around with gets arrested too, even those who don’t know anything about the crime. While all these people live in chains, the powerful enjoy their lives and forget all about them. (translation mine)

It didn’t take my students long to begin making connections between the criminal justice system in Libanius’s world and the one in ours. As the incarcerated students could see just by looking around the prison, today, too, it is mostly the poor and the marginalized who end up in jail or prison—especially underresourced people of color. With the prevalence of cash bail, overworked public defenders, and coercive tactics that pressure defendants to accept plea deals, it often feels like the system is rigged.

The presentation these students offered was a remarkable collaboration—a hip-hop adaptation of an ancient Greek oration. Here were my students, Black and white, men and women, rhyming together on justice and equality while one of them laid down the beat. It was playful but also deadly serious—an expression of joyful creativity that was also an earnest, prophetic denunciation of a criminal justice system too often indifferent to the sacredness of human life.

Visiting those in prison is often depicted as a form of charity. But this was something richer. As I watched what these students had created, I was reminded again of the Philippians’ koinonia with Paul, their solidarity in his suffering and sharing in his joy.

By listening with care to the stories of their incarcerated classmates, my nonincarcerated students witnessed with fresh eyes the liberating message of the gospel. They had become, in a small but meaningful way, partners in their incarcerated classmates’ suffering, expressing together their grief and their pain. And yet the room burst with laughter and joy as they imagined a world where all God’s people are free.

Philippians is a letter about a generous and committed church that goes to great lengths to care for an imprisoned friend. It is also a letter about an imprisoned man who shares with the church outside what he is learning about the gospel while in chains.

In a passage that forms the theological crux of Paul’s letter, possibly an early Christian hymn that he adapted, Paul recounts Jesus’ incarnation, crucifixion, and then glorification by God (2:1–11).

Paul emphasizes that rather than guarding his divine nature, Jesus joined in solidarity with humans by sharing in our deepest, most painful vulnerability. He took on human form and “became obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross.” Like Paul and countless others in our own prisons, Jesus suffered the degradation of violent, state-sanctioned punishment. He knows what it feels like.

Paul’s letter from prison is an invitation for the church today to cultivate relationships of risky solidarity that bridge those inside and outside prison. It invites believers on the outside to work together with God’s incarcerated children to dismantle the walls our fear has built, and to humbly receive their gifts of faith and insight. In doing so, we follow the example not only of Epaphroditus and the Philippians, but also of Jesus himself.

Ryan Schellenberg is associate professor of New Testament at Methodist Theological School in Ohio and author of Abject Joy: Paul, Prison, and the Art of Making Do.

What Incarcerated Ministry Leaders Want the Church to Know

Four seminary students and graduates offer encouragement to the church.

Illustration by Brian Stauffer

In recent decades, seminaries have begun offering courses and degrees to incarcerated Christians, including hybrid classes where students on the “outside” can join classrooms on the “inside.” Many of these seminarians serve their fellow prisoners in formal or informal capacities following graduation. Christianity Today asked four men and women to address the American church or to talk to their peers from the perspective of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

Wendy Denzler, master of arts in Christian ministry candidate at North Park Theological Seminary and works with incarcerated women at Logan Correctional Center

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:7)

Prison is chaotic. It’s a place full of damaged people thrown together for the purpose of rehabilitation so they can become functional members of society upon release. But there is little rehabilitation going on, and it’s very hard to become a functional member of society when you’ve never seen one except on TV. So what do incarcerated people do? How can we “do our time” and come out on the other end of this prison journey as better human beings? I have found the answer in just two words: peace and purpose.

There is no peace in prison. The best we can hope for is a good “bunkie” who will allow us peace in our own little area (mine consists of my bunk and about four square feet of floor space). Chaos reigns everywhere else. We never know when a fight will break out or who will be involved or who will end up as collateral damage. We learn to be battle-ready 24/7/365, just in case.

Since outer peace isn’t an option, I turn to God for inner peace. Embracing the peace that cannot be explained (Phil. 4:7) is how I successfully “do my time.” Even though my mind has to stay partially focused on my surroundings, my soul is at ease. I know God’s got this, no matter what.

It doesn’t matter how my day goes or what happens; it’s okay because I belong to Papa God (my name for him) and he’s already decided my fate. This place isn’t my end; it’s just the beginning of the next stage with God. Like Romans 8:28 says, God will use my time here to help his kingdom, and I’m part of that kingdom.

From that inner peace comes purpose: I want everyone around me to feel this peace and know God. He gives me peace in my soul to get through this life and, once this life ends, true life with him forever. I want to pay him back and make my Papa God proud of me. Yes, I know nothing I can ever do will be enough to pay for this gift, but I choose to do things that my Father would enjoy seeing me do. These are my offerings to him.

My purpose is to love the rest of these messed-up human beings as much as God loves my messed-up self. My purpose is to show every person I meet that there is a way to thrive in the mess humans have made of this world.

I offer a listening ear and an empathetic heart with a cup of instant jailhouse coffee. I make a meal out of commissary food to share with someone starved for attention. I buy a pack of T-shirts for an intake (someone new to prison) and offer words of welcome and acceptance without ulterior motives. I check on the OG (original gangsta) down the hallway who’s been incarcerated as long as I’ve been alive. I remember birthdays and celebrate holidays with those who have nobody on the outside.

Why? Because these people are my family. They’re God’s kids, just like me. These things are a better witness than any Bible verses I could sport. I do lead Bible studies and answer questions about God when asked, but the human interaction and genuine caring teach way more. I don’t preach to people about God’s kingdom; I show it to them.

Every single inmate I know has a horror story about Christians who come to the prison to evangelize by saying things like “You’re here because you’re bad!” “Repent or go to hell.” “Give up the things you’re doing because they’re against the will of God!”

What about love? That’s the purpose God’s given every one of us. Inmates should be hearing, “I love you!” “I know you’re a mess, but so am I. I love you regardless, and God does too!” “I love you where you are and how you are, and so does God!”

I don’t want to fix people. That’s my Papa God’s job. Maybe they don’t need fixing. Maybe me seeing that they’re broken is just a reflection of my own brokenness.

God gave me purpose when he told me to love my neighbors like I love myself (Matt. 22:39). My job is to love them and introduce them to my awesome Papa God who wants to adopt them into our family. My purpose is to smile and say, “Welcome! We’re a huge ‘kind of messed up but getting better all the time’ family. Relax and enjoy yourself with us. Come hang out and meet my Papa God. He’s pretty cool and really can’t wait to meet you!”

Michael Simmons, master of arts in Christian ministry and restorative arts recipient from North Park Theological Seminary, teaching fellow with Lewis University’s Prison Education Program, and cofounder of Parole Illinois

Being incarcerated for 22 years, I’ve often been entrusted to provide care for others who are similarly situated. These opportunities presented themselves early on during some of my most trying moments of faith. In those days, it took some time for me to refocus my eyes on Jesus and begin to understand the work that was being accomplished through me in such a dark season of my life.

About 17 years into my incarceration, I embarked on a journey toward earning a master of arts in Christian ministry. I went on to graduate with high honors and earn several certificates, including one for pastoral care ministry.

However, prior to any academic achievements, God was teaching me that the most powerful witness and spiritual encouragement I could offer came first by affirming the very humanity, dignity, and value of those with whom I came in contact. Such inalienable rights had become foreign to far too many of God’s children living behind 40-foot concrete walls and barbed wire fences.

I’d never expected to be a spiritual leader, although in many ways it was in my DNA. My mother is an ordained minister, as was my late grandmother. I’d always been a quiet, introverted person, yet I found early on in my imprisonment that I had a knack for attracting folks who wanted to share their hurt and pain with me.

Vulnerability is often seen as weakness in a carceral context where toxic masculinity is the dominant trait.

Often feeling awkward and unsure how to respond, I mentioned this to my mother during one of our early-morning Sunday visits, and she offered me a piece of advice that helped me feel useful in these moments of unburdening.

“Sometimes,” she said, “we don’t need to say anything. Just listen.” She went on to explain how life-giving—and even life-saving—it could be for people to find a safe place to share what’s on their hearts and minds. So I continued to listen, and as I learned more of others’ stories, I learned to listen less passively and with more empathy and compassion.

In his first letter to the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul likened a lack of compassion to simply making loud noises. Encouragement in and of itself is unlikely to produce growth, which is why I strive to follow the example of Christ—Immanuel—in a “with you” approach.

My aim, then, is to exhibit a healthy concern not only for a person’s spiritual state of being but also for their physical, mental, and emotional states as well. When people understand that God cares in such a holistic way, it builds trust and prepares hearts for the good news of Jesus Christ. Like the very Word of God, encouragement is not limited to that which is spoken, but it becomes flesh, dwells among the “least of these,” and provides opportunities to be made whole.

Karen M., master of arts candidate at North Park Theological Seminary and inside board member of Parole Illinois

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Phil. 4:9)

On my mirror I have a small saying: “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” This saying helps remind me that there may be good that comes out of difficulties. One of the most meaningful texts that reminds me of this is Philippians 4:8–9.

In this passage, Paul is telling the church what to focus on in the midst of anxieties and adversity. As a woman who struggles with mental illness and has had years of therapy, I recognize that what Paul was illustrating for the Philippian church is what therapists call “reframing.”

How does one cope with a negative reality such as prison, poverty, or social injustice? Paul builds on what the Psalms teach—that even in the midst of awful situations, we still can think on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise (Phil. 4:8). This mental break from negative events in life allows us time to collect our thoughts, remind ourselves that we are children of God, and just breathe while thinking on a specific positive situation or person.

Jesus, of course, is the ultimate person to focus on, and he fits all of Paul’s descriptors. A short mental vacation helps our brain circuitry not get caught in an endless loop of despair. This moment to reframe also takes our focus off of self and negative emotions and places it on God and what God honors.

In some translations, the word dwell is used instead of think, and this implies deep thought, meditation, pondering. The passage comes at the end of a section in which Paul is addressing two women leaders within the church (Euodia and Syntyche) who are in conflict. Paul suggests that they resolve their disagreement by agreeing “in the Lord” or being “of the same mind in the Lord” (4:2), because it is the Lord’s interests and opinions that are ultimately important—not those of people in conflict.

Often when we are in conflict, our focus must be reframed on God. All Christians agree God is good, even when we don’t fully understand what God is doing within a certain situation. Once our focus is on God and what God values, the situation can often be resolved and often favorably for both parties.

Sometimes Christians must agree to disagree; yet both parties can still agree that God is good and Jesus is our Savior, preserving our unity in the faith. This also preserves our graciousness.

Last, Paul states that those in the church are to do—to act, model, and live out intentionally what they have been taught and what Paul has demonstrated to them. This doing follows reframing and implies that acts of graciousness, Christlike behavior, and hopefully reconciliation follow. Then the peace that only God can bring will come to the Christian and may even enter a difficult situation. In this way, Christian lives can be a blessing through the storms of life and possibly transform those storms into a path toward a better future for all.

RóDerick Zavala Sr., master of arts recipient in Christian ministry and restorative arts from North Park Theological Seminary, licensed peer educator, and teaching fellow with North Park University

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. (Phil. 3:10)

In Philippians 3, Paul turns from offering an affectionate letter of thanks to passionately sharing the true reason he has risked everything in the name of the gospel. Pointing to his own testimony, he condemns anyone who regards their worldly accomplishments or social status as something worthy of heavenly comparison. He denounces the haughty who associate worldly achievements with Christlike behavior.

The way Paul maintained his spiritual focus, even under the pressures of incarceration, proves that as Christians, we always have an obligation to represent the gospel. Christ has handpicked each one of us to display to the world God’s workmanship. Knowing this, the true believer realizes that the ultimate crowning reward will only come through imitating the love and humility of Jesus Christ.

As a contemporary church, we’ve lost our footing in terms of gospel fulfillment. We’ve allowed the trauma of our past experiences, the traditions of our cultural upbringing, and the training received from our social circles to divide us in our thinking and separate us in the ways we show our love. We’ve somehow convinced ourselves that personal effort and sticking to our own kind will one day lead us to know a complete Christian life in heaven.

The reality is, if we don’t begin to venture with our love beyond what we view as comfortable, then we’ll end up living a life of small progression toward Christ’s perfection. Our lack of fully imitating the love and humility of Christ will only leave us short of that heavenly goal. Even unto death, Jesus loved outside his designated cultural circle. He did so as an example of how we are to pour out our love to others.

As the church, we are to lead by example and influence the carnal world around us to operate in love and unity. Instead, we have adopted the faithless ways of nonbelievers. We perpetuate division and bias; we bicker over who is right and who should be seen as knowledgeable. Worst of all, we are causing irreparable emotional harm to our members as we continuously jockey to attain status positions that are of no significance in terms of heavenly citizenship.

Like Paul, I regard my past success as rubbish in order that I may someday gain Christ and be found in him (Phil. 3:8–9). Let the carnal world bicker themselves into destruction with their own belly as their god (v. 19). I choose to lean on my faith in Christ and trust that the path Jesus placed us on over two millennia ago is the Way to the kingdom of heaven.

In the words of Paul at the end of his epistle, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.”


Live Like a Christian, Even if You’re Not Sure What You Believe

Elizabeth Oldfield’s invitation to seekers who long to transform themselves and their world.

Illustration by Zofia Dzierżawska

Elizabeth Oldfield is a failed atheist.

She originally lost her faith while working as a religion writer for the BBC. Yet she found herself dissatisfied with the bleakness of modern, irreligious life. She craved the communal meaning and moral vision of Christianity, despite her intellectual doubts.

Eventually, Oldfield accepted the welcome of intelligent, kind-hearted Christians who were unafraid of her questions. They showed her a way of life and a quality of love that drew her back into the Christian faith through practices and postures that helped her become more human. In her book Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times, Oldfield extends the same welcome to her readers, especially those who are allergic to religious dogma but are nevertheless hungry for meaning and luminosity, longing to be “free, resilient, joyful, brave.”

Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times

Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times

272 pages


Oldfield, now host of The Sacred podcast and a member of an intentional Christian community outside London, offers a vision of human flourishing through a surprising paradigm: the seven deadly sins. She makes a fresh, literate case that the stubborn old vices of wrath, sloth, avarice, lust, pride, envy, and gluttony are still with us. In the words of her first chapter title, language borrowed from the Christian author Francis Spufford, we still have a “human propensity to f— things up.”

And yet, each of these sins offers an opportunity to embrace a more connected human life of peacemaking, community, belovedness, and even ecstasy. Oldfield keeps the book lively with hilarious, self-deprecating confessionals, humbly admitting her own struggle to leave self-sabotage behind and become “the kind of person that is needed at the end of the world.”

As a friend to many non-failed atheists, Oldfield is careful to stay in conversation with people of little to no Christian faith. Her approach is gentle, calibrated to avoid putting out a smoldering wick or breaking a bruised reed of spiritual curiosity.

Her invitation is this: If you yearn to become a more loving and generous person, to mend our world with justice and healing, try the Christian path. It’s useful, even if you aren’t sure about some (or even all) of its truth claims. Lay down the burden of knowing exactly what you believe and take up some life-giving behaviors instead. And if God surprises you with love, then let it be.

For instance, in one chapter (“Wrath: from Polarization to Peacemaking”), Oldfield recounts a miserable experience she had speaking to a leftist political gathering where she had been asked to represent the religious perspective. Reacting to rude and dismissive treatment, she found herself reaching for categories coined by author Jon Yates, writing off people who are “Not Like Me,” or NLM for short, in contrast to “People [who are] Like Me,” or PLM. She illustrates how prevalent this dynamic is within human relationships, no matter which issue, cause, or belief is in play.

By giving in to base us-and-them instincts, we form tribes and reduce people to less-than-human objects of contempt. Yet when Oldfield tried practicing the teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, she found a way to return to the conversation and bless those who cursed her.

As she observes, “these people who looked like the enemy, who perhaps saw me as an enemy, turned out to be walking worlds of meaning, bruised and beautiful and as endlessly fascinating as humans always are.” Oldfield then commends peacemaking practices that Christians, Buddhists, atheists, and others have found helpful, such as loving your enemies, standing your ground, and interrupting cycles of retribution with a simple question: “Can we start again?”

Throughout the book, Oldfield shows herself to be a generous social weaver. She treats the Christian tradition less as a homeland to protect than a well-worn hearth of hospitality, where neighbors of all stripes can sit around the table and yearn for the same transformation of soul and society.

Fully Alive is a lively conversation with poets, social scientists, cultural critics, philosophers, and psychologists, with Oldfield at the head of the table, making sure everyone has a chance to contribute before she elevates it with her eloquent prose. In an age of ideological echo chambers, we can all take cues from this work of bridge-building.

There was, however, one subject that Oldfield didn’t mention often enough: the Cross. In a book about sin and its cure, especially written from a Christian perspective, this was a missed opportunity. Near the end of the book, Oldfield explains her reticence:

You may have noticed I haven’t talked a lot about the crucifixion in this book. … I don’t think I can make it “useful.” This is a book designed for those in search of spiritual core strength and curious about what the practices, postures and principles of Christianity might have to teach them. It’s not primarily for those actively seeking faith. … The crucifixion, for me, is Holy Ground, a place to approach only if you fall into the latter category.

How “useful” is the cross of Christ in addressing our deepest human ills and making us fully alive in turbulent times? We could do worse than pose this question to members of the global, suffering church, including the Anglican Dalits of India, the evangelicals imprisoned in China, the Coptic Christians of Egypt, and the Catholics in Myanmar. They might explain how the Cross offers a model of reconciliation amid conflict, an icon of Christ’s generosity in response to treachery, and a crown of humility before the preening pride of this age.

Yet those voices, with their examples of moral beauty from the margins, were missing from the book’s table conversation. To her credit, Oldfield, in her chapter on envy, devotes a paragraph to the significance of Christ’s bodily suffering for Black theologians. And she shows us what repentance and lament look like in response to the climate crisis. I only wish there had been more examples like this.

I agree with Oldfield that the Crucifixion is holy ground. Yet from the beginning, it was equally a public scandal, open for all to see, not just because it was God’s greatest gift but also because it put the human condition on perfect display. Scoundrels and soldiers, including at least one centurion, all watched the debacle up close. They were up to their ears in deadly sins, yet there they stood on holy ground, spitting distance from the Son of God. Some of them believed, despite themselves.

Believe it or not, this kind of thing still happens. Oldfield, using her considerable gifts of communication, could have brought her readers there without insulting their intelligence or violating their well-earned trust.

Toward the end of each chapter, Oldfield offers readers a practice or two that will help curb darker impulses and ground them in virtue. She downplays theological distinctives in favor of an ecumenical approach, identifying some resonance with other faith traditions and, notably, the world of psychedelics. By inviting us into practices like gratitude, charitable giving, “begin again” conversations, and technology sabbaths, Oldfield is betting that they might open minds, souls, and communities to God’s love.

Spiritual practices are good as far as they go. Yet readers willing to face their darkness as honestly as Oldfield has faced hers will need the stronger medicine she’s keeping in her cabinet. Sin, after all, is deadly. It draws real blood and destroys real lives. And no amount of gentle adjustments will ultimately curb its power.

I’m reminded of a critical moment in the life of Dorothy Day, the journalist turned founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. After the birth of her daughter Tamar, she wished to leave behind her bohemian, hedonistic life for the Christian faith of her childhood. But the love of her life, Forster, forbade it:

It got to the point where it was the simple question of whether I chose God or man. I chose God and I lost Forster. I was baptized on the Feast of The Holy Innocents, December 28, 1927. It was something I had to do. I was tired of following the devices and desires of my own heart, of doing what I wanted to do, what my desires told me to do, which always seemed to lead me astray. The cost was the loss of the man I loved.

This pivotal act of self-denial and obedience led to many smaller ones in an imperfect yet luminous life of love and mercy. Like Day, we must in the end take up our cross in daily defiance of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Strangely, the way of death becomes for us the very path of life.

Oldfield is correct that the Cross is not a math equation to solve. Yes and amen. The Cross is a mystery to live, by grace, as we cast away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light, from one degree of glory to the next.

Aaron Damiani is pastor of Immanuel Anglican Church in Chicago and author of Earth Filled with Heaven: Finding Life in Liturgy, Sacraments, and other Ancient Practices of the Church.

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