Soul Care

Soul Care

Principles and practices to care for your soul and your group members' souls
5 Session Bible Study


In this download, authors such as John Ortberg, Skye Jethani, and Lynne Baab share the ways they tend their souls. Tending your soul stretches you to seek what really matters. You are caring for a person God cares for—you. Do you think it selfish to care for your own soul? Do you consider it a luxury? If so, consider that soul care leads us into more fulfilling relationships, purposeful work, and a sense that God is with us.

Leader's Guide
How to use "Soul Care" for a group study


The Unending Tension
Somewhere between "abiding"and "abounding" is a quiet, productive place.
by John Ortberg

Rejuvenation for Church Leaders
10 practical ways to refresh your soul
by Skye Jethani

The Gift of Rest
Here's how to embrace the blessings of the Sabbath, and why we must do so.
by Lynne M. Baab

The Small-Group Leader as Spiritual Guide
A step-by-step approach to guiding your group toward spiritual maturity
by Tom Bandy

The Accountability Factor
An effective way to move beyond the limits of individual human discipline
by Esther M. Bailey

Additional Resources: More places for more help.

Total number of pages22

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