Top 10 Studies for Summer Outreach

Resources to equip you to reach out and disciple others
Top 10 Studies for Summer Outreach

Many of our yearly ministries come to a close for the summer, but that doesn’t mean ministry stops completely. With this transition, summer can afford us the opportunity to reach out to those individuals and families in our work places, neighborhoods, or churches who we’d like to get to know better if we only had time. These months can also be a time where you spend a longer period traveling on a mission trip with the goal of building bridges to other communities.

Additionally, many new individuals and families have entered our churches during the Easter season and are looking for opportunities to learn more. So no matter if you’re looking for ways to reach out to others for the first time, or looking for resources to disciple new believers, here are the Top 10 studies to equip you to be built up as you reach out.

1. Missional Evangelism

How do we share the gospel where we live?

6 Session Bible Study

Missional is a popular word today. It implies that in our evangelism, we do more than simply throw the gospel at someone. Instead we look at our culture as if we were on the mission field and ask what we can do to connect with that culture and reach those around us. This study will help you see that all places are mission fields and that all people are missionaries. It will also challenge you to reach out to different cultures, ages, and those with broken lives. Finally, it will encourage you to start at the beginning—by getting to know unbelievers.

2. Evangelism in a Changing World

What we can learn from the global church about reaching people for Christ.

3 Session Bible Study

God’s vision for the church has always comprised a global body of believers proclaiming the gospel on every continent and in every corner of the world. In this study, we’ll focus specifically on the church in Asia. In doing so, we will also consider what we can learn from our Asian brothers and sisters about issues like contextualization and holistic mission, and finally, we’ll discuss how we can apply what we’ve learned to our own churches and communities. By learning about—and learning from—the global church, we can advance God’s kingdom vision in our own contexts even more effectively.

3. Evangelism: A Way of Life

Communicating the Gospel requires understanding it. Learn to overcome fear of evangelism and be empowered to share.

12 Session Bible Study

Evangelism can be intimidating. But it can also be a natural and exciting way of life. These 12 studies will help you discover creative ways to share the gospel in your everyday situations and surroundings.

4. Workplace Faith

What is the best way to represent Christ at work?

Single Session Bible Study

If our professional persona is so important, what role does our faith play in it, if any? If I am both a Christian and professional, is there an acceptable blend of these two roles that is neither too anemic nor too strong?

Believers come in all temperaments and project different personas at work. So which approach to workplace faith is right? Which is wrong? And what does it matter anyway?

5. The New Apostates

Young people are leaving the church in record numbers. Here’s why, and what to do about it.

Single Session Bible Study

Young people are leaving our churches in droves. However, Drew Dyck, author of the book Generation Ex-Christian: Why Young Adults Are Leaving the Faith . . . and How to Bring Them Back (Moody, 2010), has done more than simply write off this generation or wring his hands over them. Instead, he talked with them to find out what went wrong, why they're leaving, and what might bring them back. Discover how to gently and mercifully walk with those who doubt.

6. Ministering to Those with a Mental Illness

How to reach out to those who are suffering.

4 Session Bible Study

This 4-session Bible study will help you discern how to help those who are suffering from a mental illness. It covers such topics as what it means to be a Christian who is suffering emotionally, how to discern if something is a mental illness or has other causes, how the church should respond to those with mental illness, and how to provide hope for those who are depressed.

7. Crash Course on the Bible

Discover God's plan of redemption, from creation to Christ, and finally to our role in the story. A great tool to guide new believers, or for those who want to learn to better articulate the Gospel story.

6 Session Bible Study

More Bibles are sold than any other book, yet few understand this bestseller. Why do we need both an Old and New Testament? Who are the main characters in the Bible and what significance do they have? Can anybody who isn't a Bible scholar really understand this complex book? The good news is we can. Use this six-session course to help unlock the Bible.

8. Parenting Bible Study Bundle

Discover how you can raise balanced, Godly children in a chaotic world. Perfect for discipling your own family, or as a resource for Mother’s/Father’s Day outreach.

13 Session Bible Study

Parents have the special privilege and calling to guide their children and help them grow into balanced, God-honoring adults. This calling requires constant sacrifice and increasing wisdom. In this bundle, you'll find biblical support for your journey to raise Christ-centered children. You'll also receive encouragement as you learn to manage expectations and grow in your own walk with God.

9. For God So Loves the City

God's message of comfort and hope speaks into the city's soul.

Single Session Bible Study

Throughout the Bible, God demonstrates his concern for the city. So how should we approach mission work in cities? How does God's message speak into the extremes of success and hardship experienced by many in cities? Understanding the city and its unique challenges helps us engage in localized urban ministry that preaches God's global promises of comfort and hope.

10. The Gospel, a Napkin, and Four Circles

Examine a new way of expressing the gospel especially designed to explain God’s “Big Story” with diagrams simple enough to be drawn on a napkin at a coffee shop.

Single Session Bible Study

Today's young people do not look at the world as their parents did, so the way we express the gospel to them needs to be rethought. But how do we express the gospel in a new way without losing the heart of the gospel?

James Choung, an experienced campus ministry worker with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in San Diego, has shaped a gospel presentation that can be sketched on a napkin, using four circles that explain the essence of the gospel.

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