5 Principles of a Purpose-Driven Church

5 Principles of a Purpose-Driven Church

Rick Warren's genius is in helping pastors see the obvious.
Single Session Bible Study


California megachurch pastor Rick Warren is the master of the obvious, according to CHRISTIANITY TODAY's senior writer Tim Stafford. But if his principles for ministry are so self-evident, why aren't more churches already practicing them? In this study, we will explore two biblical texts Warren cites as foundational to his thriving ministry. We will also compare his principles to local church practices in the first century and the twenty-first century.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:42-47


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

-Teaching point one: What do Great Commandment Christians do?

-Teaching point two: What do Great Commission churches do?

-Teaching point three: What did the first-century church do?

• Apply Your Findings


A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy, by Tim Stafford (November 18, 2002, p. 42)

Total number of pages - 15

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