CHRISTIANITY TODAY presents interesting and thoughtful articles of substance: some focus on timeless truths of Christian teaching; others apply eternal verities to current problems demanding difficult decisions on highly mooted issues.
Dr. John Montgomery’s background as historian and lawyer prepares him specially to write on the nature of the evidence for the resurrection of Christ—a basic doctrine of Christianity. Without opting for any kind of “Christian rationalism,” it is important to reaffirm that Christian faith is not contrary to sound reason; rather, it is in full accord with the highest reason. Biblical faith does not rest on logical paradox, but is consistent and, rightly understood, provides the believer with a coherent body of truth.
In his article on the debate over nuclear power, Peter Wilkes tackles one of the truly tough questions of our time. You may not agree with his solution. But as an evangelical Christian you are your brother’s keeper, and thus you dare not avoid weighing the dreadful alternatives before us in the light of biblical revelation. Prof. Wilkes calls us to face a very real, fallen world where no alternative is safe or pleasant. Sooner or later we will have to face the hard realities of earthbound existence—or the parousia of Christ.
Vernon Grounds’s high-level devotional piece prods us to live separate from the world, but warns us that biblical unworldliness takes surprising forms. Finally, Richard Pierard tells the moving story of nineteenth-century German pietists who gave their lives to minister to the unwanted outcasts of their society.