In this “Bible issue,” Berkeley and Alvera Mickelsen prick our consciences: they show how deeply and subtly tradition has warped evangelical thinking—even the evangelical Bible. Tradition itself is good. We owe much to it—far more than we think. Yet according to an old and honored Protestant tradition, the only infallible rule of faith and practice is the Bible. And that tradition passes its own test. It is taught by Christ, the Lord of the church, and by the Scripture, which he inspired for the guidance of his church.
Friends of the Living Bible will want to become friends of Ken Taylor, the author of the translation/paraphrase that has proved to be such a spiritual blessing to millions in the past two decades.
Leland Ryken points up the nature of the Bible as a book of salvation history. The heart of the Bible is a story—the greatest story ever told. It tells how God himself out of his infinite love for lost and despairing humanity chose to come down into the world, to become a human—the God-man, to live and to die on our behalf, and to conquer death so that we might live, live abundantly, and live forever.
Finally, Walter Kaiser explores for us the so-called “new hermeneutic” with its covert denial of biblical authority, and offers direction for a valid interpretation of Scripture as the written Word of God.