July is for vacations and church conferences. I trust you will have a delightful vacation and that you will not try to combine both activities. Church conferences are necessary and they can be immensely profitable, but they are not vacations; I can attest that they are hard work. They are also news, and this issue’s news section brings you up to date on what is going on in the churches.
Tokunboh Adeyemo of Nigeria and Margaret Traub of Liberia assess contemporary black African Christianity between the Sahara and the Republic of South Africa. They may not say precisely what we have been reading in our missions publications, but they see the African church through the eyes of black evangelicals. For that reason their assessments are all the more valuable.
Carl F.H. Henry, dean of evangelical theologians, reviews an important, just released book by Ernest Lefever, Amsterdam to Nairobi: The World Council of Churches and the Third World. In a later issue CHRISTIANITY TODAY will provide you with especially significant excerpts from this book.