We are grateful to God that the acute paper shortage has not forced us to curtail publication. The type of paper we use will vary in the next few issues of the magazine; we ask your indulgence for a short time until we are back to normal.
Evangelicals everywhere have been waiting for a full-orbed statement by Billy Graham of his views on Watergate. While he was in Washington in mid-December to preach at the White House, the editors of CHRISTIANITY TODAY—all of them—interviewed him. His answers were taped—with his knowledge and consent! We present the interview in this issue, having trespassed on deadlines and dropped other copy to get it in. It was released to the wire services for use on or after December 23. We thank Dr. Graham for his cooperation and his candor.
I hope every reader will take a hard look at Klaas Runia’s perceptive article on the new doctrine about the person of Christ that deemphasizes or even discards his deity. This viewpoint strikes at the heart of the Christian faith and calls for remedial action.