If this has been a summer for strikes, it has also been a summer for salvation. Reports filtering in from all over the country show that large numbers of people are being converted. In the Billy Graham campaign in Oakland, California, the spiritual temperature was high even though the weather was uncommonly cold for midsummer, and the response to the invitation was proportionately greater than that in any other campaign Mr. Graham has conducted in a quarter of a century.
European evangelism is bound to get a big boost by the European Congress on Evangelism, to be held in Amsterdam August 28 to September 4. I expect to cover it personally and to seek out contributors to our columns, for CHRISTIANITY TODAY has a worldwide ministry.
One of our British contributing editors, the Reverend Maurice A. P. Wood, principal of Oak Hill Theological College, has been appointed bishop of Norwich. Congratulations are in order to this Anglican who has both a keen evangelistic passion and a scholar’s bent, and who in service to his country in wartime won the Distinguished Service Cross.
CHRISTIANITY TODAY has among its writers and editorial staff a number of women. Shortly we expect to list some women among our contributing editors also, an overdue step. We’ll announce these additions in due time.
The last issue of September marks the end of our fifteenth year of publication. I’d appreciate greatly the prayers of God’s people that we may not only inform our readers of what is happening but provide dynamic and positive leadership, looking toward a great spiritual awakening in this last third of the twentieth century.