This note is being written in advance of my departure for Singapore to attend the Asia-South Pacific Congress on Evangelism. A thousand delegates from all over Asia will attend, and it is hoped that a vigorous new evangelistic thrust will develop from the congress. Sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, it follows the pattern set by the Berlin congress in 1966. Christians everywhere should pray that God will bless this endeavor and that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully in every heart.
I will return to the States after the election and before Thanksgiving. Voteless because of a change of residence (a feature of our democratic system that needs to be changed), I can only pray that God’s will be done and that the man of his choice be sent to the White House. Whoever is elected needs the prayers of all Christians and a new sense of loyalty to our nation from those who supported him and those who did not. At Thanksgiving time we should rejoice that we still have the right to vote and freedom of speech and assembly.
The new name that appeared recently on our masthead signifies not a new copy editor but a newly married copy editor. We wish Carol Friedley Griffith and her husband God’s best in their marriage pilgrimage.
We welcome to our staff Connely McCray, our new Circulation Manager. Mr. McCray formerly served with the Southern Baptist Convention.