The Friday before Easter, Britain’s century-old evangelical weekly The Christian will add and Christianity Today to its title. The new, merged periodical will be edited by CHRISTIANITY TODAY’S British Editorial Director, Dr. J. D. Douglas.
The Christian and Christianity Today will be, not a satellite of our American magazine, but an independent newsmagazine edited by and for Britons. Its weekly publication and London locale will make possible a wider range of national news and editorial content than our American-based fortnightly can provide its British subscribers. These will now join The Christian’s readership, although Britons will be able to receive the American edition on request.
Under terms of the merger, the British and the American magazines will have access to each other’s editorial content. Dr. Douglas will continue to be our editorial and news representative in Britain. Our four-year-old Fleet Street office will be closed as operations consolidate at The Christian’s Bush House offices.
The editor of this new weekly of evangelical information, interpretation, and inspiration has not only an excellent academic background but also a facile, whimsical pen and sharp insights into religious trends of our day. We consider this new venture internationally significant in evangelical journalism and congratulate our colleague Dr. Douglas on the exceptional opportunity for journalistic leadership that lies before him.