Features a variety of solid apologetic resources, including several related to the Gospels. Check the “Articles” link.
Indexes a vast number of apologetics websites of varying worth. Using the index on the homepage, one can look for specific articles. See “Jesus,” for example.
One of the top Bible websites. The bibliology section (under “Theology: Articles and Studies”) has ample resources for Bible study, including some fine pieces on canon and textual criticism.
An apologetics site run by Ed Rickard. While not flinching from taking controversial doctrinal positions, this free site offers well-researched sections devoted to the reliability of the Gospels.
This unofficial site contains much more than apologetics, though several articles are relevant, such as “Five Gospels But No Gospel: Jesus and the Seminar” and “Jesus’ Resurrection and Christian Origins.”
Includes writings on many topics by a top New Testament scholar. Often rebuts current attacks on Jesus and the Gospels (for example, an excellent series on the supposed tomb of Jesus). Lacks an index, so use the “Search Blog” function at the top.
Filled with apologetics resources. Check the “Reasons to Believe” section for well-researched articles on the Gospels, or use the search function with “Gospels.”
Features apologetic video clips. “Investigating Jesus” section includes helpful materials on the Gospels.
(This originally appeared on p.109 of the October 2007 issue of Christianity Today)