During his sabbatical, Stu Weber wrote about seven areas in which he wants to finish well:
Personal life: I have divided my personal life into two halves—fitness and faith, physical and spiritual. My fitness goals include bringing myself down to a maintained weight of —. My faith goals involve developing an even more personal walk with our Lord through personal study.
Marriage life: I desire to experience authentic intimacy with Lindy in the years left to us. I want to focus anew on truly cherishing her, caring for her, elevating her, seeing her blossom and fly.
Family life: I want our family to be a genuine refuge for its members in the midst of a very demanding, even hostile world. I want to provide security for our parents, true fellowship with and for our adult children, and to grandparent actively the next generation.
Friends: Lindy and I want to nourish our souls with some of the people who have enriched our lives over the years. We want to enjoy some of our long-term, key friendships.
Church: I want to help Good Shepherd become more assertive in the community—both evangelistically and educationally. I want to help the church blossom to a new level of responsibility and impact as a truly mature church.
Professional life: I want to continue my ministry beyond the walls of Good Shepherd but not exclusive from her. I wish to continue to produce materials helpful to Christians in key areas.
Financial life: I want to set my house in order so I can provide for us in our senior years.
—Stu Weber
1996 Christianity Today/LEADERSHIP Journal