The Secret of Kells is on Netflix. This Irish-French-Belgium animated feature premiered in 2009 and went on to receive high critical praise for its innovative animation and beautiful storytelling. The film is a mythological story about a boy in Ireland who helps create the Book of Kells—an illuminated manuscript of the Bible from the early 9th century. Through its hand-drawn, watercolor-like animations, it captures the mysticism of both the church and Celtic folklore without losing its appeal for all ages. Nominated in 2010 for Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards, The Secret of Kells is a lovely reminder of what animation can be.
The strange and wonderful Tim Burton fantasy, Big Fish (2003), is also streaming on Netflix. On his deathbed, a man's stories about his life unfold a creative world and a host of eccentric characters—while his son tries to discern myth from fact. A solid weekend-with-friends choice, Big Fish is a charming fairytale with a dark sensibility, in classic Burton fashion.
Now's your chance to watch the BBC hit series Sherlock. Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gratiss, the show is a modern re-imagining of the classic books by Arthur Conan Doyal. Starring the dashing Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes, the clever and fast-paced drama has acquired a cult following since its debut in 2010 and is part of a renewed romance with British film in television. Seasons one and two are available on Netflix now.
"On any day of the year it is summer somewhere in the world." In honor of summer, consider revisiting the 1966 classic documentary The Endless Summer, streaming on Hulu. The film is the result of director Bruce Brown's adventures following Californian surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August around the world as they chase the summer months and search for the perfect waves. Their travels include Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. The epitome of surf movie, this film is a classic among documentaries and a must-see for anyone who associates summer with surfing.