Articles in this Issue
Christianity and the American Revolution: Did You Know?
Little-known or remarkable facts about Christianity and the American Revolution
Letters to the Editor
Reactions to Everyday Faith in the Middle Ages
Preaching the Insurrection
Angry colonists were rallied to declare independence and take up arms because of what they heard from the pulpit.
Fighting Words
Peter Muhlenberg gave perhaps the most dramatic sermon of the Revolutionary era.
Christianity and the American Revolution: A Gallery of Christians in the Cause
Five devout champions of liberty and revolution.
Holy Passion for Liberty
In their own words, patriots describe their sense that God had ordained their cause.
Disciples of Reason
What did the founding fathers really believe?
Battling Irreligion in the Ranks
Chaplains had one of the toughest jobs in the Continental Army.
Jesus vs. the Watchmaker
Which ideas energized the American Revolution: those of evangelical Christianity or enlightened deism?
Curious Mix in the Continental Congress
How Christians and deists worked together in the war effort.
The Price of Dissent
Christians who argued against independence suffered for it.
Selfish, Ungrateful Rebels
Many devout Christians were deeply troubled by the drive for independence.
A Revolution in Religion, Too
The Revolutionary War changed American Christianity, and it still sparks debate today.