Radio waves appear to be the conduit for Christian activism this summer. Christian organizations are running political ads “framing the issue as an urgent matter of Biblical morality,” The Wall Street Journalreports.
The American Values Network spent nearly $200,000 placing radio ads advocating action against global warming, according to the report. Previous ads have described the effect of climate change and the need for “redemption.”
The Wall Street Journal points out that at least one of the American Values ads supported by name the Waxman-Markey climate bill, which passed the House last week.
Last weekend, radio ads sponsored by Faith in Public Life, Sojourners, and the PICO National Network ran in five states urging “people of faith” to ask their senators to support health care reform.
In each ad, a religious leader from each respective state exhorts constituents to contact their senators. The script for the ads uses Isaiah 65:20 and 2 Timothy 1:7 and provides the interpretation that, “Our love must be a thing of action.”
The report suggests that on the other side, Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council (FRC) the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, which opposed the Waxman-Markey bill due to economic concerns. The FRC is also sponsoring a petition to guard against any new health care legislation that would force taxpayers to pay for abortions, and the National Right to Life (NRL) supported a defeated anti-rationing amendment to the bill intended to protect patients who are elderly or disabled.