Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?: Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties Dwight L. Carlson, M.D. (IVP)
This clear and practical book rejects the idea that hurting people should be condemned for their pain, and it succeeds in equipping churches to provide more effective care for these people.
Darkness Is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental Illness Kathryn Greene-McCreight (Brazos Press)
In this book, an Episcopal priest and college professor afflicted by bipolar disorder shares her experiences and wrestles through theological questions pertaining to mental illness.
Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness Matthew S. Stanford, Ph.D. (Paternoster Publishing)
This book contains detailed information and biblical perspective about various types of disorders. It is an excellent reference to better understand the problem as well as help people with mental illness.
When Your Family Is Living with a Mental Illness Marcia Lund (Augsburg Fortress)
Part of the Difficult Times series, this is a small booklet that church leaders can give to families affected by mental illness. It refers readers to other resources, and assures families that they are not alone in the challenges they face.
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families Edited by Robert H. Albers, William H. Meller, and Steven D. Thurber (Fortress Press)
These essays from psychiatrists and theologians discuss mental illness from medical, theological, and ministry perspectives. They provide detailed information for church leaders about various types of disorders.