“The general public would be subjected to this unwanted intrusion of the petitioners’ religious beliefs.” Philip Straniere, a New York civil court judge, denying a Nigerian American couple’s request to change their last name from Nwadiuko to ChristIsKing. Straniere also said it was “troubling” that the couple changed the name of “impressionable, dependent minors” (their children) to Rejoice and JesusIsLord. ReligionClause
“We could not convince [Europe and the United States] …. I know this will never happen.” Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, on reports that the group of 57 nations would resume its United Nations campaign for a global blasphemy ban. Reuters
“As Christ has instituted the Lord’s Supper in two sacramental actions, the communicants are to eat the bread and drink the cup in separate actions.” The Presbyterian Church of America’s Blue Ridge Presbytery, in a 26-24-1 vote to ban Communion by intinction. The Aquila Report
“I did not have any idea that it is seen as wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced even though separated.” Dinesh D’Souza, Christian apologist, anti-Obama filmmaker, and president (until his October 18 resignation) of The King’s College. D’Souza denied published reports that he was having an affair with his fiancée while still legally married. Christianity Today Online