
Conservative Episcopal Priest Removed from Church

Plus: two die from morning-after pill, reactions to John Roberts’s nomination, rallying against Gaza pullout, and more articles from online sources around the world.

Christianity Today April 13, 2006

The Episcopal bishop of Connecticut temporarily removed a Hartford priest from his parish July 14, saying he had taken an unauthorized sabbatical. Mark Hansen, for 15 years the rector of St. John’s Church, opposed Bishop Andrew D. Smith’s support for the ordination of a practicing homosexual as bishop of New Hampshire. Along with five other priests and their parishes, the “Connecticut Six” have sought alternative oversight. And the six parishes have stopped paying dues to the diocese.

Smith said he suspended the priest for the sake of the health of St. John’s Church. According to a statement by the diocese, Hansen never told Bishop Smith of his intention to take a sabbatical. Smith said, “I am concerned for the life and ministry of St. John’s. In the past few months Fr. Hansen has made decisions that left the parish without sustained clergy leadership.”

Smith also appointed Susan J. McCone as the priest in charge of the parish. McCone is the Episcopal chaplain at Vassar College in New York and the executive director of Affirming Anglican Catholicism, a group that affirms members “regardless of gender or sexual orientation.” Ed Seibert, an administrative and financial consultant, was appointed to review parish records and administration.

One witness said that the bishop showed up to the church with computer hackers and a locksmith. “The hackers set to work on the computer, took down the church’s website,” and the locksmith changed the locks. The next Sunday all but fifteen of St. John’s parishioners worshiped at nearby Trinity Church, with Fr. Knapp, a retired priest.

“He abandoned his leadership,” Bishop Smith said about Hansen. But the priest says he sent Smith a letter explaining that he was taking a sabbatical “because his school-age son needed ‘specialized support services,'” writes The New York Times. “I am deeply saddened at the tactics displayed by Bishop Smith,” Hansen told The Times. Hansen also said he had provided pastoral care for his absence.

Episcopal conservatives are up in arms over the move. The American Anglican Council, a conservative network, called the move “unconscionable.” “We are outraged that any bishop would seize control of a church without lengthy consultation with the vestry [elected church board],” the council said in a statement. “Bishop Smith has exhibited pastoral disregard for the leaders, members, and clergy of St. John’s.”

“We are deeply concerned that Bishop Smith’s actions yesterday are punitive in nature against a church and priest who have requested alternative Episcopal oversight,” the American Anglican Council said. “We fear the bishop will also seek to punish the other five churches in theological dispute with him.”

The other five priests also condemned Smith’s actions, calling it “a personal attack devoid of pastoral concern for the Hansen family or the parishioners of St. John’s.” The priests said, “We believe this is one more example of Bishop Smith’s apparent intention to systematically destroy, one by one, the six parishes that have requested adequate Episcopal oversight.”

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  • Slam dunks give way to prayers and singing | The complex, formerly known as the Compaq Centre, is the new home to the evangelical Lakewood Church, which recently became the first in the United States to average more than 30,000 worshippers a week. (Sydney Morning Herald)
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  • Tibet’s Catholics flourish in a cauldron of despair | In more than a dozen small villages strung along the narrow banks of the upper Mekong and Salween river valleys, like pearls on a chain, the Catholic Church has survived 150 years of hostility from Buddhist lamas and the Communist Party. (The Asian Pacific Post, Canada)
  • Mass in Mexico takes African twist | Jean Pierre Bandoweshe, a youthful pastor born in Africa’s Congo, gently sways as he sings along with his Mexican congregation, towering over parishioners during communion. His delivers his sermon in Spanish, with a thick Congolese accent. (The Christian Science Monitor)
  • Pope worried about wrong Slytherin guy | Just prior to last week’s release of the sixth installment of the wildly popular “Harry Potter” series, it was learned that the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger once criticized J.K. Rowling’s saga about an orphan boy who discovers that he’s a wizard. Had the Church moved quicker to protect children from predator priests rather than circling the wagons and blaming the media, it wouldn’t have to worry about Harry Potter. (Charita Goshay, Canton Repository, Ohio)

Marriage & family:

  • Fewer in U.S. marry as more live together | Both the U.S. marriage and divorce rates are dropping while the number of unwed couples living together is rising, according to an annual study of marriage released Monday. (Reuters)
  • Parents sue over cancer treatment | The parents of an American boy once at the centre of a custody battle over chemotherapy to treat a cancer diagnosis are suing Utah state, its child welfare system and hospital doctors for allegedly violating their parental rights. (The Guardian, UK)


  • Ritual and faith in epic theater of two visionaries | “Ta’ziyeh” is a passion play, and there is a powerful religious undercurrent to both of the works this summer. They are spectacles of ritual and faith and devotion. (The New York Times)
  • Heat-seeking missile | Raunchy US comedian Margaret Cho learnt to speak out from the Bible. (The Age, Australia)
  • CBS’ new movies include Pope, Stewart | An upcoming CBS miniseries about Pope John Paul II is a “papal page turner,” the network’s programming chief said Tuesday. (Associated Press)

Other religions:

  • Monks protest against listing of brewery | Thousands of Buddhist monks and other anti-alcohol campaigners brought Bangkok’s notoriously slow traffic to a halt today as they protested against plans to list Thailand’s biggest brewer. (Daily Telegraph, Australia)
  • Interfaith dialog ready to roll | Delegates from 39 countries began on Tuesday to stream into Bali for the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Interfaith Dialog, which will be opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Thursday. (Jakarta Post, Indonesia)

More articles of interest:

  • Dealing with my sexual brokenness | Clifford Smyth, respected Orange historian and family man, tells of the transvestite compulsions which have made his life a struggle. (Belfast Telegraph, UK)
  • Lawmaker wants to send virgins to college | A lawmaker is offering to pay university fees for girls who are virgins when they graduate from high school, in part to help fight AIDS. (Associated Press)
  • Adoption group to address no-Catholics policy in Miss. | Independent state offices criticized for excluding Catholics while accepting state funds (Clarion Ledger, Jackson, Miss.)
  • I’m a believer: author of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ defends marriage of Christ theory | In the documentary, Unlocking Da Vinci’s Code, Brown says: “As I started researching I really thought I would disprove a lot of this theory about Mary Magdalene and holy blood. But I became a believer.” (The Independent, UK)

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