
The Story Behind the TV Networks’ UCC Ad ‘Ban’


Plus: Ethical embryonic stem-cell research? And other stories from online sources around the world.

Christianity Today November 1, 2004

Newspapers today are aflutter over decisions from CBS and NBC nine months ago to reject advertising from the United Church of Christ. It is a significant story, but what’s particularly remarkable about the press coverage is how many papers filed original reports instead of picking up a wire service version. Perhaps it’s because every town has a UCC congregation to give the “local angle” on the story.

The reason for the “ban,” the networks said, was that they constitute “advocacy advertising.” Wink, wink, nod, nod—we all know what the ads were really banned for, don’t we? Most newspapers sure do:

“CBS and NBC [deemed] the 30-second commercial ‘too controversial’ because of its depiction of gay couples at a time when the Bush administration has called for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage,” says the Des Moines Register.

“CBS and NBC refused to run a United Church of Christ ad promoting acceptance regardless of sexual orientation,” says the Lawrence Journal-World.

“TV spot alludes to the acceptance of gays,” says the deck of The Press-Enterprise‘s story.

The Boston Globe explains, “Two broadcast networks are refusing to air an ad from the United Church of Christ because the spot, intended to make the point that the Protestant denomination is welcoming, briefly shows two men who are holding hands being turned away from an unnamed church.”

(Other coverage includes The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The Kansas City Star, The Capital Times of Madison, Wis.,

Here’s the problem. These newspapers are only partly right. In its rejection letter to the denomination last March, CBS told the denomination, “Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups … and the fact that the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the networks.” CBS, the network explained, does not allow advertising “on one side of a current controversial issue of public importance.”

Go watch the ad and see if it’s a commercial about homosexuality and gay marriage. Who’s gay? Those two women sitting next to each other? Those two guys trying to enter a church at the same time? Gee, under that criteria, even hatemonger Fred Phelps‘s Westboro Baptist cult is quite the “affirming congregation,” what with its allowing people of the same gender to interact and even develop friendships.

But apparently the UCC is quite concerned about churches that require boy-girl-boy-girl seating. But even more so, the UCC opposes all those congregations out there that ban non-whites from attending. Because the message of this ad isn’t that the UCC welcomes minorities—it’s that all the other churches out there hate you.

The ad shows some bouncers at the front of a church, refusing to let anyone but boy-girl pairs through the door. There’s the two guys, but the others are a black woman and a young man who may be Latino or Asian. “No way,” they say.

The gay stuff, if it’s there, is way too subtle to be noticed by Joe Couch Potato. But the accusation of racism is none too subtle. And actually, that’s the reason that NBC said “no way” to the ad. The ad ends with the line, “Jesus didn’t turn people away, neither do we,” NBC’s Alan Wurtzel explained to The New York Times. “That message clearly implies that other people do.”

In fact, when evangelical Christian leaders saw the ad last spring, Faith and Values CEO Edward J. Murray told the Times, it wasn’t the shots of two men and two women that had them concerned. It was the implication that their churches excluded people.

But there’s really no reason for the networks to reject it, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon said. “The ad isn’t indecent and doesn’t violate FCC standards,” he told the Times. “I’m stunned they’re not running it. They might not want the grief.”

Ah, but grief they’ve gotten, as UCC leaders and pastors are claiming censorship, and that George Bush is behind the whole thing. The San Francisco Chronicle reports, “The Rev. Kyle Lovett, pastor of St. John’s United Church of Christ in San Francisco, proposed [that on] the eve of President Bush’s second term, she said, the networks ‘can’t afford to go against the administration’s version of Christianity and what counts as moral values and what doesn’t count as moral values.'”

Those networks sure are forward-looking. Back in March, when the networks rejected these ads, John Edwards was still running against John Kerry. Weblog doesn’t remember seeing the UCC raise a fuss back then, by the way.

It’s worth noting that the UCC may not be turning people away, but its members are fleeing in droves. The denomination has lost 23 percent of its membership in the past 15 years, reports the Associated Press. This is not a denomination that needs crowd control.

One wonders if this $30 million campaign will really help. All this “controversy” gets the UCC in the news today, but the denomination has a long way to go to win the kind of free publicity the Episcopal Church USA gets almost every other day. These days, when folks think about churches that celebrate homosexual behavior, it’s the Episcopalians, not Congregationalists, that first come to mind.

The “all the other churches are racist and homophobic” aspect of the ad campaign is only one part. The campaign’s dominant tagline is from the Gospel of Gracie Allen: “Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” Other aspects of the campaign show sentences with periods replaced by commas. And you know how much mispunctuation attracts those church-goers. It’s almost as attractive as telling them, “Come to a church where we don’t really believe anything.”

Getting little attention is ABC’s rejection of the ad. It’s running on ABC Family, but not the main network. In fact, ABC also rejected another UCC ad that was accepted by NBC and CBS of a little girl playing “Here’s the church, here’s the steeple.” ABC’s reason: it rejects all religious advertising.

Ah, but there’s the rub. What makes religious advertising any different from any other advertising? Especially where this ad is concerned. Here’s the full text of this ad, apart from the bouncers’ rejections. “The United Church of Christ. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.”

Is this more religious than, say, the Red Bull ads with Peter at the gates of Heaven or Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden? Or Target promising, “Anything you want … [or] need, you got it”? Or those body spray and shampoo ads suggesting immediate ecstasy with use?

The larger story here is a cultural disconnect between persuasion and evangelism—or, to use the pejorative phrase, “proselytizing.” Tell someone that they’re uncool, stupid, or in danger unless they buy a certain product, you’re in the clear. Tell them that they’re endangering their eternal soul unless they turn to God, and you’re infringing on their freedom. Tell someone that a widget will make them happy, and you’re doing your part to stimulate the economy. Tell someone where to find true joy, and you’re a zealot. Persuading “swing voters” and changing consumers’ habits are part of everyday life, but we find something nefarious in telling people why one view of God is better than another.

But in this case, the UCC has turned this discussion on its head. This is not an evangelistic ad in the usual sense. This is not “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for you life” or “Steps to peace with God.” The message is “We’re the only ones that accept you. Other churches are full of hate.” The UCC wrestles not against “the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” In the ad, it wrestles against flesh and blood—the church down the street that hates minorities.

Only that church doesn’t really exist. Evangelistically minded churches want everybody to attend, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or manner in which they most frequently sin. Like Jesus, they do accept everybody. And like Jesus, then they meet people’s needs—which often includes Jesus’ command, “Go, and sin no more.”

And there actually is a period, not a comma, at the end of that sentence.

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Copyright © 2004 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.

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