Although most of the books written on this theme are concerned with the pastor’s wife, several pertain to the relationship of the pastor to the entire family. Also refer back to the Fall 1980 issue (Pastoral Care and Counseling) for more general books on marriage and family.
Alexander, Olive J. Developing Spiritually Sensitive Children. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1980. A handbook for child-rearing with a specific direction of cultivating love for God and openness to Jesus throughout childhood.
Bailey, Robert W. Coping With Stress in the Minister’s Home. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1979. Scriptural and practical insights for dealing with the pressures brought upon the ministerial family.
Dahl, Gerald L. Why Christian Marriages Are Breaking Up. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979 An up-to-date analysis of the crises occurring in Christian homes with a presentation of solutions. This will help ministers understand the tensions their own marriages are under.
Dodds, Elizabeth. Marriage to a Difficult Man. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971. “The ‘uncommon union’ of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards.” A biography of Edwards which offers tremendous insights on the pastor and his family
Dunker, Marilee Pierce. Man of Vision, Woman of Prayer. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1980. A biography of Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, written by his daughter. Contains insights into the family from a child’s perspective while growing up.
Garsee, Jarrell W. What You Always Wanted to Know About Your Pastor-Husband. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press, 1978. Insights for pastors’ wives about the type of men who typically make up the clergy
Gundry, Patricia. Heirs Together. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980. A redefinition of “mutual submission in marriage.” Especially helpful for pastor and wife as they share leadership responsibilities.
MacDonald, Gail. High Call, High Privilege. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1981. An affirmation of the God-given honors of serving as a pastor’s wife and partner in ministry.
MacDonald, Gordon. Magnificent Marriage. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1976. An excellent refresher course for the pastor and spouse.
MacDonald, Gordon. The Effective Father. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1977. A challenge to pastors and to all fathers to fulfill their God-given role as fathers and husbands.
Mace, David R. and Vera. What’s Happening to Clergy Marriages? Nashville: Abingdon, 1980. An analysis of the breakdown in clergy homes, with suggestions as to possible solutions.
Minirth, Frank. Editor. The Workaholic and His Family. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981. The symptoms, causes, and cures of workaholism. Addressed specifically to the problem of workaholism in the Christian home.
Narramore, Bruce. Help! I’m a Parent! Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1972. “A guide to child-rearing.” Comes with a workbook, and is a valuable tool for parenting.
Nordland, Frances. The Unprivate Life of the Pastor’s Wife. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. Dealing with the pressures and responsibilities of being the pastor’s wife. Highly recommended.
Nyberg, Kathleen Neill. The Care and Feeding of Ministers. Nashville: Abingdon, 1961. A guidebook on how clergy wives can assist their husbands in their own need for care and growth.
Oswald, Roy M. Married to the Minister. Washington, D.C.: Alban Institute, 1980. “Dilemmas, conflicts and joys in the role of clergy wife.” Covers the matters of the clergy wife’s support system. Also, one chapter on “Liberating the Clergy Wife.”
Pollock, John. Hudson Taylor and Maria. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962. A practical biography of Hudson Taylor which depicts by example the struggles and responses of a family in ministry.
Schaeffer, Edith. What Is a Family? Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell, 1975. A practical guide for the establishment of the characteristics and qualities of the Christian home.
Senter, Ruth. So You’re the Pastor’s Wife. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979. Helpful with issues such as failure, guilt, resentment, and the expectations put upon the spouse in ministry.
Sinclair, Donna. The Pastor’s Wife Today. Nashville: Abingdon, 1981. A contemporary perspective. Addresses the wife’s role as help-mate, enabler, and liberated woman. Also speaks to the issue of the two-career marriage.
Switzer, David K. Pastor, Preacher, Person. Nashville: Abingdon, 1979. The pastor in various roles. Deals with the self-expectations of the pastor as well as the expectations of others.
Taylor, Alice. How To Be a Minister’s Wife and Love It. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1968. Recently re-released. Looks at the parsonage from the inside out. “Life in a goldfish bowl.”
Truman, Ruth. Underground Manual for Ministers’ Wives. Nashville: Abingdon, 1974. Addressed to pastors’ wives, this book is a “funny but true portrait of life inside parsonage walls. “
Wilt, Joy. Raising Your Children Toward Emotional and Spiritual Maturity. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1977. How parents can make the most positive inputs into their child’s development.
Copyright © 1981 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal. Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.