Kudos to Dr. L. Nelson Bell, our executive editor, who was elected moderator of the Presbyterian Church U. S. I hope he can help to heal the wounds of that denomination and to bring its confession of faith to a position of controlling significance.
Our British editorial representative, J. D. Douglas, accompanied Billy Graham on his trip to Ireland and tries to sort out and interpret the situation in “ ‘He Put It Over With Love.’ ” We’ll probably draw fire from some readers for this; nobody seems to agree with anybody else’s opinion on Northern Ireland. But we would far rather risk criticism than remain silent in the face of tragedy.
Also in this issue is a meaty article by Peter Beyerhaus entitled “Confessing Protestantism in West Germany,” the fourth of the 1972 Church Growth Lectures at Fuller Seminary’s School of World Mission. It shows how and why Christianity has lost ground in West Germany to the theology of the Antichrist. We regard this as one of the most significant and provocative essays we have published this year.
For further challenging, read Kenneth Elzinga’s “The Demise of Capitalism and the Christian’s Response”—and read it thoughtfully. The United States is moving steadily toward the welfare state and toward abridgment of its freedoms.