Escalating living costs hang over our heads with no promise of relief. We are told that the rate of increase has been lessened. But inflation continues, for no one is really willing to pay the price necessary to bring it to a decisive halt. Most people seem to fear a recession more than they fear inflation. Except the Germans. After two disastrous experiences with inflation they want no part of it, and their fiscal policies have been based upon the determination to avoid it. As a result their currency has been revalued, which means that our dollar is worth less when we change it into German money. What West Germany did by way of revaluation indicates that the value of money cannot be pegged artificially forever. There is always a pay day someday.
I wonder whether Christians may not sometimes live inflated lives based upon the market economy of this present life as if that were all there is. They forget that when they die they leave everything behind. Then whose shall these things be? But the more important question is: Having lived this kind of life, are they prepared to face the judgment of God? For after death, someday comes, and with it comes pay day.
We welcome to our news pages correspondent Brian Bastien of Los Angeles, national religion editor for the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. His eyewitness report of the Assembly of European Priests is on page 46, and an account of the Catholic Synod of Bishops will appear in the next issue.