
Fall Book Forecast 1964

Christianity Today once more announces titles of religious books to be published this fall and winter. The purpose of this semiannual forecast is to alert our readers to what is coming in religious literature.

If the titles selected are truly representative, this forecast may open a window into what is going on in the thinking of the Church. The titles listed reveal a continuing concern about ethical problems, both personal and social. They also reflect increasing interest in the Protestant-Roman Catholic โ€œgetting to know youโ€ movement.

In the realm of theological writing the outlook is less reassuring. Here, with some happy exceptions, solid works are few. During the years between the world wars, theological studies exploded. While the world was at peace, scholars labored and brought forth new theologies. A whole group of theologians of unusual stature and influence appeared. Barth, Brunner, Thurneysen, Tillich, Niebuhr, Bultmann, and others stood large on the horizon. But all are creeping toward fourscore years, and time is silencing their pens. The problems they raised are for the most part still with us, and no group of comparable theological stature has arisen to take their place. The galaxy of retiring theologians has left us with that knotty problem which now occupies the center of theological concern: in what sense are Godโ€™s redemptive realities present in our time and history? The list of new titles indicates that some evangelicals are addressing themselves to this problem. May their number increase.

NEW TESTAMENT: Abingdon will publish The Corinthian Churchโ€”A Biblical Approach to Urban Culture by William Baird; Baker, The Holy Spirit in the New Testament by Henry Barclay Swete; Fortress, The Theology of St. Paul by D. E. H. Whiteley; Harper & Row, Jesus and the Kingdom by George Ladd and Paul by Richard Longnecker; Helicon, Baptism in the New Testament by J. Delorme and others; Inter-Varsity, The Gospels and Acts by Donald Guthrie; Nelson, Jesus, Paul and Judaism by Leonhard Goppelt; Oxford, New Testament Detection by W. Gordon Robinson; Westminster, The Use of Analogy in the Letters of Paul by Oscar Cullmann; and Yale, The Composition and Order of the Fourth Gospel: Bultmannโ€™s Literaiy Theory by Dwight M. Smith, Jr.

OLD TESTAMENT: Fortress will present From the Exile to Christ by Werner Foerster; Harper & Row, All the Kingdoms of the Earth by Norman Gottwald; Lippincott, The Old Testament by Robert Davidson; Prentice-Hall, The Living Story of the Old Testament by Walter Russell Bowie; and Westminster, The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic by D. S. Russell.

THEOLOGY: Daughters of St. Paul will be coming out with The Creed of a Catholic by Winifred Hurley; Eerdmans, The Work of Christ by G. C. Berkouwer, Easter Faith and History by Daniel P. Fuller, and The Cross in the New Testament by Leon Morris; Fortress, The Scope of Grace by Philip J. Hefner; Helicon, Power and Poverty in the Church by Yves Congar, O. P.; Herder, Man and Wife in Scripture by Pierre Grelot and Word and Revelation by Hans Urs von Balthasar; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Ultimate Questions: An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought by Alexander Schmemann; John Knox, The Systematic Theology of Paul Tillich: A Review and Analysis by Alexander J. McKelway; Lippincott, The Christian Faith by F. W. Dillistone; McGraw-Hill, Summa Theologiae (Vols. III, IV, VI, XXII) by St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by Thomas Gilby, O. P., P. K. Meagher, O. P., and T. C. Oโ€™Brien, O. P.; New American Library, Divine Grace and Man by Peter Fransen and The Meaning and End of Religion by Wilfred Cantwell Smith; Scribnerโ€™s, Schleiermacher on Christ and Religion: A New Introduction by Richard R. Niebuhr; Westminster, The Omnipotence of God by Howard A. Redmond; and Zondervan, Vital Heart of Christianity by Merrill C. Tenney and Our Lordโ€™s Resurrection by W. J. Sparrow-Simpson.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Daughters of St. Paul will put out Discipline Concepts in Education by Anthony M. Brown; Helicon, Theology and the University edited by John Coulsen; Judson, Learning to Worship by Edna M. Baxter; Revell, As Matthew Saw the Master by William P. Barker; Westminster, The Local Church in Transition: Theology, Education and Ministry by Gerald H. Slusser; and Zondervan, I Was a Mormon by Einar Anderson and The Kingdom of the Cults by W. R. Martin.

ART AND ARCHITECTURE: From Abingdon will come Hymns Today and Tomorrow by Erik Routley; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, The New Churches of Europe by G. E. Kidder-Smith; New American Library, The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci by Dimitri Merejkowski; W. W. Norton, The Temple and the House by Lord Raglan; Oxford, Protestant Worship and Church Architecture: Theological and Historical Considerations by James F. White; and Pantheon, The Art and Thought of Michelangelo by C. de Tolnay.

ETHICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Abingdon will print Portrait of the Churchโ€”Warts and All by Benjamin Garrison and The Pulpit Speaks on Race by Alfred T. Davies; Association, The Freedom Revolution and the Churches by Robert W. Spike; Baker, Of Sex and Saints by Donald F. Tweedie; Beacon, Women and Religion by Margaret Brackenbury Crook; Broadman, Crises in Morality by C. W. Scudder and The Churchโ€™s Ministry in Mental Retardation by Harold W. Stubblefield; Devin-Adair, Never Say Nigger!: The Experiences of a White Teacher in a Black School by Robert Kendall; Eerdmans, Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics by John Murray; Harper & Row, Christian Sex Ethics by V. A. Demant; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Baal, Christ, and Mohammed: Religion and Revolution in North Africa by John K. Cooley and Protestant Concepts of Church and State by Thomas G. Sanders; John Knox, The Right to Silence: Privileged Communication and the Pastor by William H. Tiemann; McGraw-Hill, The Cry of the Russian Evangelicals by J. C. Pollock; Nelson, Religion Can Conquer Communism by O. K. and Marjorie Armstrong; New American Library, The PuritanHeritage: Americanโ€™s Roots in the Bible by Joseph Gaer and Ben Siegel, Dr. Tom Dooley, My Story, and What Modern Catholics Think About Birth Control: A New Symposium edited by William Birmingham; United Church Press, FORโ€”The Open Door by Allen Hackett; Westminster, The Meaning of Christian Values Today by William L. Bradley and Society and Love: Ethical Problems of Family Life by Roger Mehl; and Zondervan, Encyclopedia of Counseling Terms by Clyde M. Narramore.

DEVOTIONAL: Baker will be coming out with Devotions and Prayers by Richard Baxter and Morning and Evening: Devotions from the Bible by C. H. Spurgeon; Broadman, Conquering Inner Space by John Warren Steen; Eerdmans, The Gospel of Our Sufferings by Sรถren Kierkegaard; Fortress, Last Things First by E. Gordon Rupp; Herder and Herder, The Epistle to the Romans: Theological Meditations by Karl Hermann Schelkle, S. J.; Revell, Thereโ€™s Always Hope by Robert V. Ozment; and Zondervan, Then and There by V. Raymond Edman.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE: Harcourt, Brace & World will publish Three Essays: Leonardo, Descartes, Max Weber by Karl Jaspers and Newmanโ€™s Apologia: A Classic Reconsidered edited by Vincent F. Blehl, S. J., and Francis X. Connolly; Harper & Row, The Future of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, This People Israel: The Meaning of Jewish Existence by Leo Baeck, Catholicism: Religion of Tomorrow? by Henri Fesquet, From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Thought by Karl Lรถwith, Varieties of Unbelief by Martin E. Marty, and Philosophical Interrogations edited by Sydney and Beatrice Rome; David McKay, Acts of Darkness by J. A. Cuddon; New American Library of World Literature, A Guide to St. Thomas Aquinas by Joseph Pieper and The Essential Augustine by Vernon J. Bourke; Pantheon, Beyond Theology by Alan Watts and Existence and Existent (a reissue) by Jacques Maritain; Regnery, A Contemporary Philosophy of Religion by James A. Overholser; Seabury, Teilhard de Chardin: Pilgrim of the Future edited by Neville Braybrooke, Canterbury Essays and Addresses by Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and The Day Is at Hand by Arthur Lichtenberger; Sheed & Ward, The Search for God by Robert W. Gleason, S.J.; University of Chicago, The Works of Sir Thomas Browne edited by Geoffrey Keynes; and Van Nostrand, Ethics and Science by Henry Margenau.

ARCHAEOLOGY: Abingdon will offer Archaeology in Biblical Research by Walter G. Williams; Association, Archaeology of the New Testament by R. K. Harrison; Eerdmans, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A College Textbook and a Study Guide by Menaham Mansoor; Regnery, The Theology of Jewish Christianity by Jean Danielou, S.J.; and University of Chicago, Signs and Wonder Upon Pharaoh by John A. Wilson.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY: Abingdon will be publishing A Psychiatrist Looks at Religion and Health by James A. Knight; Association, Love and Sexuality by Robert Grimm; Baker, Parson to Parson by Adolph Bedsole; Concordia, Toward a More Excellent Ministry by Richard R. Caemmerer and Alfred O. Fuerbringer; Doubleday, The Road to Salvation by Theodor Bovet; Harper & Row, The Heart of Man by Erich Fromm and Suicide and the Soul by James Hillman; Helicon, Contraception and Catholics: A New Appraisal by Louis Dupre; Herder and Herder, Existential Psychology From Analysis to Synthesis by Igor A. Caruso; Judson, The Campus Ministry by George L. Earnshaw; John Knox, To Resist or To Surrender? by Paul Tournier; Prentice-Hall, Preaching and Pastoral Care by Arthur L. Teikmanis; Revell, A Ministerโ€™s Obstacles by Ralph G. Turnbull; Sheed & Ward, Paul on Preaching by Jerome Murphy-Oโ€™Connor, O. P.; Van Nostrand, Best Sermons (Vol. IX) by G. Paul Butler; and Westminster, The Dynamics of Forgiveness by James F. Emerson, Jr., and Suffering, A Christian Understanding by Merrill Proudfoot.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES AND DICTIONARIES: Baker will print Colossians and Philemon by William Hendriksen and The Acts of the Apostles by Richard B. Rackham; Eerdmans, The Johannine Epistles by John R. W. Stott and Open Letter to Evangelicals: A Devotional and Homiletic Commentary on the First Epistle of St. John by R. E. O. White; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Conversation with the Bible by Markus Barth; Inter-Varsity, Proverbs by Derek Kidner; John Knox, Deuteronomy, Joshua by Edward P. Blair, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles by Robert C. Dentan, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon by J. Coert Rylaarsdam, and Isaiah by G. Ernest Wright (with the appearance of these the twenty-five-volume set of โ€œThe Laymanโ€™s Bible Commentaryโ€ will be complete); and Westminster, Bible Encyclopedia for Children by Cecil Northcott.

BIBLICAL STUDIES: Abingdon will present Crisis and Response by Roy Lee Honeycutt, Jr.; Cambridge, The Temple and theCommunity in Qumran and the New Testament by Bertil Gartner; Doubleday, The Ten Commandments for Today by Robert I. Kahn; Eerdmans, Free Before God: The Ten Commandmentsโ€”A Study of Basic Biblical Themes by Ronald S. Wallace; Fortress, Corporate Personality in Ancient Israel by H. Wheeler Robinson and The Sacrifice of Christ by C. F. D. Moule; Harper & Row, Harper Study Bible edited by Harold Lindsell; Helicon, Dogmatic vs. Biblical Theology edited by Herbert Vorgrimler; Loizeaux, The Book of the Revelation by Lehman Strauss; Oxford, From the Apostlesโ€™ Faith to the Apostlesโ€™ Creed by O. Sydney Barr; Scribnerโ€™s, The Ancient Way: Life and Landmarks of the Holy Land by J. Franklin Ewing, S. J.; and Zondervan, From Prison in Rome by E. M. Blaiklock and Expository Sermons on Revelation (No. 3) by W. A. Criswell.

CHURCH HISTORY: Abingdon will publish Rebels with a Cause by Frank S. Mead; Augsburg, The United Evangelical Lutheran Church by John M. Jensen; Bethany, The Church and Its Culture: A History of the Church in Changing Cultures by Richard M. Pope; Eerdmans, Light in the North: The Story of the Scottish Covenanters by J. D. Douglas and Godโ€™s Word into English (revised) by Dewey M. Beegle; Fortress, The So-Called Historical Jesus and the Historic, Biblical Christ by Martin Kรคhler and Pia Desideria by Philipp Jacob Spener; Harper & Row, The Horizon History of Christianity by Roland H. Bainton, Southern White Protestantism by Kenneth K. Bailey, Church Crises and Church Councils by Jean Guitton, Men Who Shaped the Western Church by Hans von Campenhausen, and The Reformation by Hans Hillerbrand; Helicon, Catholics in Colonial America by Msgr. John Tracy Ellis and Vatican II: Last of the Councils by Rock Caporale, S. J.; Herder and Herder, John XXIII: A Documentation of His Life and Work by the editors of Herder, and World Protestantism by Willem Hendrik van de Pol; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, The Chair of Peter: A History of the Papacy by Friedrich Gontard; Judson, Baptists in New Jersey by Norman H. Maring; McGraw-Hill, The First Six Hundred Years by Jean Danielou and Henri Irenee Marrou (Vol. I of โ€œThe Christian Centuries: A New History of the Catholic Churchโ€); Nelson, Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman (Vol. XV) edited by Vincent Blehl and C. S. Dessain; Princeton, Christianity and History by E. Harris Harbison, George of Bohemia, King of Heretics by Frederick G. Heymann, and The Two Kingdoms: Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought by Karl F. Morrison; Westminster, A New Testament History: The Story of the Emerging Church by Floyd V. Filson; and Yale, Englandโ€™s Earliest Protestants, 1520โ€“1535 by William A. Clebsch.

ECUMENICS: Beacon will issue From Jesus to Christianity by Morton E. Enslin; Eerdmans, The Second Vatican Council and the New Catholicism by G. C. Berkouwer; Fortress, Roman and Evangelical by Per Erik Persson; Harper & Row, Unity and Freedom by Augustin Cardinal Bea and Obedient Rebels by Jaroslav Pelikan; Herder and Herder, Unity Through Love by Jean Guitton; Nelson, Justification by Hans Kรผng; Prentice-Hall, Ecumenics: The Science of the Church Universal by John A. MacKay; Seabury, Protestant Churches and Reform Today edited by William J. Wolf; United Church Press, Vatican Diary 1962โ€”A Protestant Observes the First Session of Vatican Council II and Vatican Diary 1963โ€”A Protestant Observes the Second Session of Vatican Council II, both by Douglas Horton; Westminster, Two Biblical Faiths: Protestant and Catholic by Franz J. Leenhardt; and Holt, Rinehart and Winston, one that defies categorizing, A Pope Laughs: Stories of John XXIII collected by Kurt Klinger.

MISSIONS: Abingdon will offer Our Christian Hope by Georgia Harkness; Baker, Talking About Jesus With a Jewish Neighbor by Albert Huisjen; Broadman, To Change the World by Ross Coggins; Harper & Row, Christianity in the Computer Age by A. Q. Morton and James McLeman and Crucial Issues in Church Growth Today by Donald McGavran; McGraw-Hill, With God in Russia by Walter J. Ciszek, S. J., and Daniel L. Flaherty, S. J.; Revell, The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman; and Zondervan, Each One Teach One and Win One for Christ by Frank C. Laubach.

SERMONS: Abingdon will issue How Jesus Helped People by Alan Walker; Baker, Christmas Messages by Leslie B. Flynn, Prelude to the Cross by Paul T. Fryhling, Resurrection Messages by John M. Gordon, The Word of the Lord for Special Days by J. Ralph Grant, and Grace Triumphant by C. H. Spurgeon; Broadman, Preaching from Johnโ€™s Gospel by Kyle M. Yates and Day of Resurrection by Leslie B. Flynn; Harper & Row, The Showing Forth of Christ by John Donne; Nelson, The Christian Year (Vol. I) by George W. Forell; Revell, Why Not Just Be Christians? by Vance Havner; and Zondervan, Simple Sermons for Time and Eternity by W. H. Ford, Bible Men of Prayer by E. M. Bounds, and Life by the Spirit by A. Skevington Wood.

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