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Strong disciples

Fostering Anti-Fragile Faith (Part 2)

Are we open-minded when facing challenges and complexity?
Fostering Anti-Fragile Faith (Part 2)

Here's part two of this three-part series. Catch Part 1 here for needed context, and follow up with Part 3. Today, Krish outlines the importance of acknowledging complexity and difficulty in our faith. - Paul

I loved the way my Phys Ed teacher wanted my rough comprehensive school in Brighton to have a rugby (for U.S. readers: think American Football but without the body armor and helmets) team that could take on the well-to-do public schools in our area. I was virtually blind without my glasses on, but I could run fast, and was given the role of winger. Our coach drilled us to fully commit to a tackle: hit the runner with all our might, grab on to their legs, and hold on for dear life. A half-hearted tackle would certainly end up with a boot in the face—so we needed to go "all in or not in at all," he said.

Are we open-minded when facing challenges and complexity?

Christian leaders need to have the same attitude in ministry. One excellent example is how we engage ...

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