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Skye Jethani: Love Justifies Itself (Part 1)

The wisdom of John Stott can help us reframe the entrenched debate around social justice & the gospel.

Is social justice an essential part of the gospel? The question has been raging for decades, and in some circles the matter was settled long ago. But a new generation of evangelicals with a strong inclination toward social engagement is reviving the debate. But I'm increasingly convinced that we are framing the debate incorrectly, and missing the point as a result.

The latest example came last week when Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (my alma mater) hosted Jim Wallis and Al Mohler to debate the role of justice in the mission of the gospel. Wallis, the president and CEO of Sojourners, affirmed the centrality of social justice in the gospel, while Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said it was an implication of the gospel but not part of it.

Disagreeing with Mohler's point of view, Wallis said, "If justice is only an implication, it can easily become optional and, especially in privileged churches, non-existent." He cited the examples ...

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