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9 Strategies to Keep from Falling Sexually

Practical steps to maintain your integrity.
9 Strategies to Keep from Falling Sexually

We are highlighting the Top 40 articles of Leadership Journal’s history. Of all the articles we have published, this may be the most photocopied. Why? Because the author offered specific, practical steps for handling a common and powerful temptation: sexual attraction.

We asked Randy what has happened since the article first appeared. He writes: "I wasn't prepared for the extent to which this article would strike a resonant chord among pastors and parachurch workers around the world. Professors distributed copies to students, missions organizations circulated it to their fields, pastors quoted sections from the pulpit, radio preachers read the list of immorality's consequences.

"One pastor left this message on my answering machine: 'Just wanted you to know that I was on the verge of committing adultery with a woman in my church when I read your booklet [based on the article]. God used it to get hold of me. I cut off the relationship and straightened out my life ...

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