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Barbara Bush: Housekeeper Kept Fetus in a Jar


President George W. Bush's mother is disputing her son's account that she showed him a fetus in a jar.

"No, the truth is I didn't put it in the jar. ... Paula put it in the jar," she said, referring to the Bushes' housekeeper, Paula Rendon, according to Rachel Slajda of Talking Points Memo.

"I was shocked when she gave it to him," she told Larry King on CNN. "Memories dim a little bit." She said she gave permission to her son to use the anecdote in the book.

"You had different views on pro-life?" King asked. "I don't remember," she said.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, Barbara Bush suggested that the Republican Party should drop an anti-abortion plank from its national platform. Earlier this year, Laura Bush reiterated her position that abortion should remain legal.

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