The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

God is working both in us and through us.
Single Session Bible Study


It's the first response to news of a sick or hurting friend—"I'll pray for you." The Bible tells us that prayer has the power to heal. So what are we to think when scientific studies seem to suggest that prayer may actually hurt patients instead of help them? It is important to understand the nature of prayer, and how it prepares us to receive and accept God's answers—whatever they may be.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: James 5:13-16, Matthew 6:5-15, Luke 2:36-38


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: God promises to heal through our prayers.

Teaching point two: God answers all prayer, but sometimes his answers are not what we want or expect.

Teaching point three: Prayer helps us recognize and receive God's answers.

• Apply Your Findings


"What Do Prayer Studies Prove– When a landmark study suggests that intercessory prayer may actually hurt patients instead of help them, you have to wonder. By Gregory Fung and Christopher Fung.

Total number of pages7

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